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blair stared up at the stairs, her wound getting worse by the minute. rick had his arm wrapped around the woman, "rick." blair whispered so no one could hear. he looked over at her, his grip tightening. "is amelia even alive?"

rick looked blair in the eyes, "i have no idea." he replied causing blair to look at her feet, "don't make some sappy goodbye, ill get you out of here to see her again. okay?" blair nodded, coughing up blood again, she turned away from him as tears filled her eyes. everything about blair was just confusing, yet the one thing that wasn't was that she was gonna die.

"amelia!" blair screamed running in her home, the front door was wide open. blood was on the carpet causing blair to almost start bawling. she held out her gun, a tear slipping out her eye, "amelia! its me!"

rick appeared right behind blair, causing her to turn around, she pointed her gun at his head. rick put his hands up in surrender, "she's gone!" blair exclaimed, falling to her knees. rick knew this was wrong but he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in as she cried. "fuck!" she screamed as rick comforted her.

"its okay, we'll find her. i promise."

the memory was cut short when a door was kicked open, blair's eyes snapping to what was inside. "clear." rick stated as he put his gun down, blair leaned up against the wall, her eyes starting to close. she felt her hands feeling numb, she could barely hold her own legs up. blair grabbed her necklace.

"whatever it takes." she whispered, almost feeling amelias hand in hers as the memories came back. blair clutched the locket, tears filling her eyes as she slid down the wall. rick said something to deadshot and harley, she couldn't hear him. blair coughed up blood, once again, but this time it was worse. her vision blurred, harley grabbed her head.

"woah hey there beeley!" harley yelled out, trying to make blair focus on her. "uh, guys! something is up with her." then harley was sent back into the wall, blairs eyes became black as she sent the soldiers out of the window. jace pointed his gun at her, "what! no! we aren't killing her!"

blair screamed in pain, causing deadshot, rick, and amanda run out. she fell to the ground, almost crying for help. "yeah, we have that problem too." rick mentioned as jace grabbed blairs arms pinning her against the ground.

"let me go!" she screamed, kicking and trying to punch him. "it hurts! it hurts! just kill me!" blair screamed in pain, tears falling out of her eyes. "rick! kill me!" she yelled looking at rick who stared at her. "someone kill me! it hurts!"

"i know," jace whispered, "i know."

"let me go." blair whispered to jace, he held up a knife. blair shut her eyes, waiting to die. it never came, she felt blood going on her face, protests ringing through her ears. blair opened her eyes to jace coughing up blood, the knife in his chest. "holy shit!" she screamed, scrambling away from him. "holy shit! holy shit!"

blair stood up, realizing what just happened. "jace." she whispered before placing her hands on his chest. "fuck!" amanda watched in amusement, rick ran to his cousins aid. "come on." blair shut her eyes, hoping that her healing powers would work. she couldn't heal herself, but she could heal others. "please."

deadshot figured it out. "grab her." deadshot ordered, causing blair to look up at him. tears ran down her face as jace's eyes shot open, the wound healed. then blair was pinned on the floor by harley.

"sorry." harley whispered as blair screamed in pain once again. deadshot looked at rick, he told him something no one could hear. then rick walked up to blair, who was kicking and screaming again, trying to fight back the darkness.

rick shut his eyes, he pointed the trigger at blair's head causing harley to protest as deadshot pulled her back. "what!" she screamed as boomer smiled. rick pulled the trigger, the cries and protests went silent as blair's dead body went limp. a bullet wound through her head, as the veins disappeared.

"rick ." the man introduced, his hand out for blair to take it. the brunette smirked, shaking his hand as she admired the man. something about him just felt different, like she knew him before.

"do i know you?" blair asked causing rick to shake his head, "wait! you're jace's cousin! the military dude." blair smiled at rick who chuckled, she looked at her books, "uh, here let me put these away." rick followed blair to her car, staying a good distance behind her so she wouldn't feel freaked out. "sorry, studying for some shitty class i wont remember."

"its fine." rick replied putting his hands up. "what are you studying for?" blair looked back at her books, she scrunched up her face with a sigh.

"criminal justice." blair replied, "some serious shit right there." rick chuckled once again as blair looked around, she spotted jace coming towards them. "there he is." blair mumbled as jace looked at his cousin, "your cousin seems nice."

"oh yeah?" jace asked before kissing his girlfriend, blair shoved him away playfully knowing rick was watching. she turned around on her heel, she grabbed ricks arm.

"lets go boys, i'll introduce you to my sister."

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