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she pulled out the gadget, turns out every project has a failure. she heard people talking, causing her to go towards it. the young girl went up the stairs, her hand on the wound the gadget caused. amanda waller really fucked her life up with this one. blair hated amelia, the two would never speak to each other again. overall amelia florence just wanted to be good, and being good got her killed.

amelia found peacemaker, blair, rick, and cleo. she stood where no one could see her, cleo could. the young girl looked over, her eyes widening as blair flag fell to the ground. amelia pulled out her gun, shooting peacemaker in the chest this time as rick looked over to see blair passed out from blood loss.

he didnt care about peacemaker laying there, dying slowly. rick went on his knees, his hand lifting up blair's shirt seeing the wound. it was seeping through the bandages, dripping down her stomach. her shoulder was fucked up badly also, you could see a small glimpse of the bone. "holy fuck," rick whispered as he grabbed blair's face. 

she kept waking up and passing out again. amelia ran over to them, she dropped to her knees next to her sister. rick pointed blair's gun at her, the two standing up, amelia putting her hands up. "cleo." rick warned making cleo stand next to him. amelia shook her head, she reached in her bag pulling out something to help blair. "how can we trust you?"

"you just can." 

another gunshot went off, this time rick fell to the floor. cleo screamed as she turned around quickly, peacemaker laid there taking his final breaths as the gun was in his hands. "no." cleo whispered as amelia went wide eyed.

then harley, polka, jace, and bloodsport showed up. "what the fuck happened!" jace yelled as cleo began to cry. amelia quickly ran over to rick, she placed her hands on the wound as harley looked at blairs body.

"help!" amelia yelled, tears filling her eyes as bloodsport ran over. "find a way to make blair wake up, she can save him." blair shot up on her own, it was like she knew something happened to rick. harley grabbed the woman, who looked over to see rick laying there, dead. she almost passed out again.

"what the hell?" her voice cracked as she crawled over to him. amelia moved out of the way as blair went pale, she placed her hands on the wound, she shut her eyes. there was rumbling below them, nothing happened with rick for a whole minute. blair opened her eyes, "come on. please." she whispered as jace hugged cleo, who was traumatized by the whole thing. "rick wake up please." 

still nothing happened, bloodsport grabbed blair's shoulder. "we have to get going-"

"no!" blair exclaimed, things breaking around them as she started to get angry, "i'm not loosing him!" she yelled, she shut her eyes again in full focus.

then everything around her changed, blair opened her eyes as a tear slipped out of her eye. the young girl looked down at her clothing, no way. the brunette stood up, she could hearing laughing down the long hallway. she walked towards the door, knowing what was on the other side, she knew this memory by heart. 

blair opened the door to blair and rick out on the balcony, staring at the sunset before turning to look at each other. "to be honest i like the night, not the sun." blair replied sitting up on the railing, rick chuckled as she smiled. "what? a friend told me once that the stars are the people who we lost in our lives, the brightest stars actually." blair explained, her eyes lighting up as the sunset shined on her.

rick was so in love with her, the way she talked, the way she did her hair, the way she just knew him. the man sat up next to her, he grabbed her hand. "wanna get married?" he asked causing blair to look over at him with a smirk on her face, he held out a ring. 

CRAZY AS SH!T| rick flagWhere stories live. Discover now