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You and Barry Allen were best friends, along with Iris West. You were a trio that always stuck by each others side since Elementary school. Although Barry decided to live with Iris' family after his mom died and dad went to prison, you were all still very close. It actually made you all closer because it opened up your trust to one-another more. The one downside, which you got used to over the years was that you were sometimes the third-wheel in some situations. You knew about Barry's and Iris' (more Barry) feelings for one-another but you kept quiet about that.

Years later, when it was time for collage, you and Barry went to the same one when Iris went in another direction. She wanted to become a reporter when you and Barry wanted to become scientists. You and Barry stayed in touch with Iris and remained close. You all had some rough patches once in a while but it would always get sorted out because you all cared for each other.

After collage, Barry became a CSI, Iris became a waitress and part-time reporter and you became a scientist at Star Labs. Barry worked along side of Iris' dad, Joe West at CCPD (Central City Police Department). Joe was more of a cop and Barry was the detective. You worked along side of many scientist and only knew three of them, Harrison Wells, Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon. You became friends with them but never spent time with them outside of work because everyone was always busy. Barry and Iris have met them a couple of times, but only near Christmas time when they dropped off presents to you. You were never as close with your Star Labs friends then your childhood friends so it was always a little awkward when Barry and Iris came to visit.

Years later when Harrison Wells decided to set off the particle accelerator, Barry was put into a coma. Everyone who knew Barry was devastated to hear the news. Since Barry would always go visit his dad in prison, you, Joe and Iris took turns doing the visits for him. When Barry went into the coma, Joe felt suspicious about Dr. Wells. But since you worked for him, he felt more calm. You and Dr. Wells protested that you took care of him at Star Labs rather then a hospital for some scientific tests. In the stretch between the explosion and Barry waking up, many Star Labs employees quit because they didn't feel safe. The only ones who stayed were you, Caitlin and Cisco. When Barry woke up, you found out he was struck by lightning and was given the power of super speed. It was a big shock for everyone. What made it a bigger shock is that more people got powers but used it for evil.

The past 2 years were very hectic with keeping Barry's identity a secret to the public, defeating Reverse Flash, Zoom and other meta humans and dealing with many losses, especially Iris' fiancee, Eddie Thawne and Henry Allen, Barry's dad.

I Found My Word (Julian Albert and H.R Wells x Reader fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now