CH16 - Missing

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Xander's POV

"Can I not marry you then?" That boring utterance has become a mantra on my mind followed by every inch of her being. Her eyes have always been capturing the fantasies out of me. Her smile has been the apple of my eyes. What the hell! Who says apple of my eyes?! Where did that corny and lame statement even come from? But dammit! I am lost every time. I am the type of person who will always find his way back to his throne of honor and pride but for some reason when I happened to stare at her face, I even forget my name. Oh shit! That's lame again.

I can't fairly criticize the way she appeared because all is damn perfect that all I could do is goggle in utter amusement. Is this beautiful angel really willing to marry me? At some point in time, my thoughts revolve around that question, trying to figure out the logic and then brace myself after into believing that I am Xander Evans and that somehow makes me deserving of her.

I showed her the worst of me. I am not a good person; I beat up people, I belittle anyone around me as if I am the only superior, I treat people unfairly and will always stick to my views though most of the time, I know for sure that I am wrong. Well, that's just me and I can't help it. I hate to appear weak and fearful. Maybe because I disgust when people take advantage of me. I was used enough before to let that happen again. I am a closed-minded jerk who does not listen to explanations because I loath when people try so hard on lying just to prove a point. In short, I hate liars and fake.

Letting her smell my stink was a plan to abolish this unplanned marriage with her running away. It should not be me who should cause this to end. My father will never allow that and there is no path for me to succeed unless Gabbie herself surrenders.

And that day is when I finally got her disclosure of 'Can I not marry you then' but what the fuck pan out after that? My blood instantly boiled as if will pumped out of my veins in no time. I got so angry and disappointed even though that was the sentence I have been waiting for.

She calms me, she eases my nerves, she blows away my anger, she gives back some hint of the feeling I lost for so many years now-happiness.

I need her, at least that is what I know for now. I admit to it. I need her that's why I don't want to let her go. And I may be fucking selfish but as if I care. I will claim this person and stick her to me even that would mean having to use a handcuff.

A knock on my door faded my reverie that I was unaware into for a while now. I checked the time and it's now ten in the evening and I'm still stuck at this office. The person who brought me back to reality was Pauline who goes here each night to report to me anything about my girl. I gave her the task to make sure Gabbie will not run away without my permission. Of course, before, it will be a celebration if she would run away but I don't want to be the one explaining to my father so she can't leave so suddenly. Pauline has been positive ever since the very first night of Gabbie in the mansion but tonight, the wind seems to have an opposite direction. She faced me with so much worry in her eyes.

"What's the matter?"

"Sir Xander, I think you should call Ms. Sanchez, she's not home until now."

"What?!" For the second time my eyes darted on the huge wall clock hanging between the windows. 10:23 pm to be exact and it's not me if I let that slide much less tolerate. I rushed to scan her personal files because I don't have her phone number and I swear at that moment, I regret not saving it.

I found it straightaway and immediately dialed. To my alarm, the number cannot be reached. My forehead started to wrinkle and I keep on rubbing it with my fingers. After five dials, still no sign of existence from her.

"She is..ok, right?" Pauline almost stammered due to agitation.

I, again flipped the pages over to find his brother's contact information when suddenly, my office telephone rang. It was a usual thing but this time, I felt a sting on my stomach as if horrible news is waiting for me at every ring. Without sparing any more seconds, I received the call. My instincts never disappoint me and this call is no exception. I cursed internally upon hearing the man on the other line.

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