CH8 - Courage

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Gabbie's POV

I did not attend the class in the afternoon. I have no courage to. I just cried and cried at a near karaoke bar, locking myself in one of the cubicles. I texted my friends earlier that I am not feeling well but it's nothing serious so they don't have to worry.

Despite that, my phone kept on ringing and it's just them two trying to reach me out. I'm sure they have sensed something wrong so they wanted to confirm it. But I can't answer any phone call right now. My voice will crack and it's hoarse from sobbing nonstop.

In the end, I just turned it off to make an alibi tomorrow that my phone lost battery and I forgot to charge it as I slept upon arriving at home. Yeah, that is the explanation I am planning to say to them. But that's all for tomorrow. I'm gonna have to meditate and calm myself down for today.

6:30 when I checked the time. Those long hours of being alone here sobbing have at least eased off some of my hatred and I think I am ready to go home. I retouched myself a little before stepping out of the cubicle. I am not a fan of going to nightclubs or karaoke bars, I just have to this time.

The place is far more loud and brassy outside, people chatting here and there, dancing and singing all over the place. I put my two hands on top of my ears while helping myself outside the bar when some drunk man bumped me and I was paused for a second.

The man did not give a shit and continued walking towards his destination. I angrily followed a gaze on him but my eyes got directed somewhere, I mean to someone whom I am certain I know.

Wait, am I seeing real? Am I drunk? But I didn't drink at all.

The person is serving drinks to these guys who ogle at her with their lustful stares. My mother is just focused on giving them beers and I can see her very uncomfortable.

I slowly walked towards her, making myself sure that whom I am looking at right now is really my mother, wearing an apron and holding a tray of beer and shot glasses.

Suddenly, a man held her wrist when she was about to go away. "Excuse me, lady. What's your name? Can you join me at my table?" the man uttered but my mother was trying her best to free herself from the drunk man.

"I am a waitress here. I can't join you," she strongly denied.

"Are you turning me down then, huh? Beautiful?" he stated still eyeing Gwyneth from head to toe.

"Let go of me," and it's when the man lost his temper and pulled my mother closer.

"How dare you disobey me, you ungrateful slut!" My blood boiled speedily upon hearing that. I ran in their direction to take my mother off his painful grab and at once punched the man!

The people who saw this made an "Ohhhh!" sound but as if I care! I pulled my mother out of that stinking place as we run away fearing the man would catch us because if he would, that would be our end.

Thank God we have managed to get away. I was breathing heavily and so was Gwyneth. She is holding her chest that moves up and down due to an unexpected run for life.

"Why are you in that place?" I asked, still catching my breath.

Maybe my mother realized that there is no way for her to hide her situation so she just spilled me all the truth. "I work as a waitress there."

"How long since you've been working on that shitty place?" But for me, I can no longer carry on to stay sane.

"Just last week. After your father got hospitalized."

"What? And what made you think to even apply as a waitress there?! That place is so dangerous for you. You are so weak to defend yourself when something happens just like earlier!"

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