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It has been a phase of misery for me when I started this book. I was seeking some peace of mind when I decided to construct sentences on the first chapters and after six months, this book came to existence. I think it is safe for me to say that I made this out of hatred and it shows.

But this book helped me hugely in conquering lots of insecurities within me. It may not be the kind of healing you'll expect but not every love story is logical; not every protagonist leads the best choices. This story will simply unravel different forms of grudge, crime, and of how people deal with the torment they have experienced or the wrong they have committed. So, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Forgiveness is sure not a virtue but not every mistake is worth death.

This book contains scenes that may trigger you extremely. This story explicitly shows sensitive issues that you may be uncomfortable with. If you are not into immorality, then better skip for now. I love you but this ain't for you.

Nevertheless, if you would want to explore a true love behind lies and pain, then maybe this book could serve you some.


PS: Always remember that you are valued and loved.


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