CH43 - Revision

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3rd Person's POV

Early morning at a classy restaurant, Xander is waiting for Gabbie to come. He has been internally shaking after two months of separation. Just like yesterday when his wife called, he got so electrified that his heart was not beating the whole time they talked on the phone. But today is different since they'll be able to see each other again. He couldn't be more scared of the something she wants to tell him but also couldn't be happier to finally meet his wife again.

It was not so long when Gabbie entered the place. She wore her casual look on clothes but her cast is not the same as before. Xander saw her roaming her eyes around. She must be finding the man. He stood up immediately and it was at the same timing the woman finally glanced in his direction.

They met eyes. Gabbie stopped for a second there but returned in a haste to the aura she brought with herself. She strode the remaining distance between them while their eyes are still fixed on each other. Breathing deeply would not be enough to remove the tension between them. But this agreement should be done today no matter what.

Xander helped Gabbie sit by pulling the chair out of the table to give her enough space to settle in. Then he helped himself to settle, too, and finally talk everything out with her.

"H-How have you been?" he was the first one to break the silence. Gabbie looked him in the eyes and the man almost flinched to that. But of course, he had to get himself together.

"I'm doing great!" and she smiled to show genuineness. She was happy, truth be told. "How 'bout you?"

It was the worst for me. Xander wanted to be honest and say that but it would not be a good idea. He would not want to make her feel guilty because it was never her fault that she had to request some space.

"I was fine, too." he simply replied. Gabbie nodded to that. She had no thoughts about how he was doing because he has always been living the best life.

"I met you to finally sort this out." She relaxed herself to try to regain strength again since it began to falter the moment she saw the man. "But before that, can you promise to cooperate with my agreement?"

Xander gulped hard because of that. The girl's mien does not seem to carry some good news so he was already contemplating the worst. However somehow, he is still hoping not to lose her.

"I promise." That took some huge prowess to bust out.

"About the divorce, I leave that to you to decide. If you want to, I can grant you this instant and finally cut ties," she delivered straight which made Xander even more attentive. "But if you think you still need me, sign this agreement that I made," and she showed him a brown envelope. The man took it and opened it forthwith. It says marriage agreement, the same as what he made her sign before.

"The agreement you made will not be effective anymore if you sign that. That will be the final revision." Gabbie is confidently taking the chair now as she believes she has the right to this time. Adding to it that it's not his obligation to sign it anyway. "If you think that's not right, you can divorce me, I won't-," Gabbie was paused when she saw Xander bringing out a fountain pen to sign the contract hastily.

"I won't divorce you, Gabbie," he solidly said.

The girl was still stunned at how fast the conclave made a deal but she had to stay rational with her thoughts and words to spit. "You didn't read it."

"It's not important. I will follow your agreement."

"Well, let me read it for you then." She took back the paper and started her spiel. "I will be working...," she faced the man for a second and then returned her eyes to the paper. She was not even reading, she explained. "at the Evans Company. Give me a team manager position, that's the least I can think of that would save my reputation as an Evans' wife." She looked at the man again and saw his reactions didn't change. He is still looking at her the same way since they met today.

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