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"We are almost to the grass village! Your orders Shikamaru!" Yells one silver haired Jonin, with a hairdo that makes him look like a scarecrow. 

"Oh man, why was I put in charge of this mission? This is such a drag, I would rather be at home playing shogi! " Says one recently appointed chunin, with a pineapple hairdo.  

One dark purple haired Special Jonin with a spiky ponytail speaks up next. "Now that you are a chunin, Lord Hokage wants to test your leadership skills, Gaki!" 

"If you do good on this you will get favor with the Hokage!" Says the last member of the group, a woman with long flowing bright violet hair.

The group of four approaches the grass village, as they jump out of the tree tops and into the clearing that houses the village. "We walk calmly into the village and see if we can locate anyone from Naruto's group, or any of the missing Hyuga branch numbers. Anko, Yūgao, Kakashi, any ideas where we start looking?"

"We know that that old pervert Sage is here somewhere. I suggest you start looking in brothels and hot springs. " Anko replies as she cracks her knuckles. " I swear if he's spying on girls in the name of research-" She makes quotation marks with her hands. "- I'm going to beat the shit out of him." 

"Mind if u join you Anko?" Yūgao says 


Secluded location, 5 days 

Hinata quietly sneaks through the corridor of the hallway. She had escaped her bindings, but she wasn't in the clear yet. She had to find an exit to wherever her captor had taken her. She is unsure of the exact location, but she had to guess it was somewhere within the mist village. She also looks around to see she could find something to cover her modesty, as she was still completely naked.  

Her captor had told her that she was no longer allowed human luxuries such as clothing. Clothing was something for humans and that she was no longer a human, but rather a domestic animal whose only purpose was to serve her. 'What’s wrong with that woman?' Hinata wonders as she slowly peeks around a corner.

Hinata suddenly hears a voice from behind her. "And where do you think you're going, my pet?" 

Hinata turns to the sound of the voice, "I'm not your pet!" 

Hinata protests but no matter what she says it makes little difference. "Hidden Jutsu: binding fog!"

A cloud of mist blows straight into Hinata's face. As she breathes in the fumes from the fog her knees buckle beneath her, causing her to collapse to the ground. Hinata tries to move but her efforts are in vain, as she quickly realizes that she was hit with some kind of paralysis poison. 

Hinata is picked up and carried back, "such a naughty little bitch you are." Sachi slaps a piece of paper onto her left ass cheek. "Since you seem to want to break your chains, I will take away your ability to do so. This paper is a chakra suppression seal, as long as it's in place you can't use chakra and only my chakra can remove it." 

Hinata lay there unable to move as she grabbed and chained back up. Sachi disappears for a second, before reappearing with a whip in her hands. "Now my little Hyuga pet, it is time to punish you for your bad behavior."

As she says that she cracks the whip down hard across breasts, causing her to let out a very loud yelp" Such a large chest for some so young. What are you like, a D-cup? And such beautifully pink nipples."

Sachi takes Hinata's left nipple and pinches it between her thumb and index finger." I wonder how they will look once they have been thoroughly pierced?"

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