An Unexpected Reunion

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" Damm it, that's stupid perverted toad Sage! He never came to the room last night!" Naruto yells in frustration.

" Knowing that pervert, he is probably passed out drunk in the arms of some whore."

Naruto and Haku had awakened the following morning inside the hotel room, to find that Jiraiya was nowhere to be found.

"You're probably right Haku-chan." Naruto as he grabs his shirt.

Before he puts it on, Haku stares at Naruto bare chest. Despite the fact of all that he's been through his muscles were clearly visible. His strength was clear from the tones of his muscles, but at the same time he didn't look one of those overly buff guys you see in Media.

Haku visualizes her and Naruto together, although realizes how oblivious Naruto is to girls. The only girl he ever had any interest in was that screaming banshee with pink hair. However, Haku could clearly see that the hyuga clan heiress had feelings for Naruto, though he was clearly oblivious to see it.

"Haku-chan! Haku-chan! " Naruto yells.

" What!?" Haku yells out as she was stirred from her thoughts.

"Jeez Haku-chan, no need to yell. I was only asking if you were ready to leave and find Pervy Sage!"

"Uummmmm yea, sorry Naruto-sama I was just lost in thought."

"Yea whatever let's go!" Naruto says walking out the door.

"Right, Naruto-sama!" Haku replies as she follows him out." Where should we start looking Naruto-sama?"

"Bars and brothels anywhere you find beautiful girls! Let's ask someone for help."

Naruto walks up to the first person he sees. " Excuse me Ma'am."

"Yes young man! What do you need!"

The lady turns and looks at Naruto. She as long flowing red hair that is extremely vibrant in color. Her Eyes are a dark violet color. Their color reminds Naruto of night sky and, the twinkle in her eyes look like stars.

She has on a green and white dress that went down to her ankles and standard Shinobi sandals. Naruto is lost in thought for a second or two while staring at this woman's beauty.

"Ummm, you ok kid?"

"Ahhh yea sorry ma'am I was looking my sensei."

"Well what does your sensei look like kid?"

"He is an old man, with white hair, two lines on his face, and a headband with the kanji for oil on it."

"Wait, is this sensei of your's a pervert?"

"You know pervy sage ma'am?"

" If by pervy sage you mean, the toad sage Jiraiya then yes."

"How to you know pery sage?"

"He use to be my husband's sensei. You know it's funny my husband used to call him pervy sage as well. You kinda look a bit like him too. Now let's go find that pervert sage. Don't worry, we will find that pervert together, believe it!"

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