Team Killer B

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"Water style: water snare!" Kushina yells as water blasts from her palms.  

A ball of rushing water goes flying at Naruto. He tries to dodge by jumping over it, but the water changes directions and hits his ankles. The water then moves quickly to one side causing Naruto to trip and fall face forward into the dirt. 

"Nice try Naruto!" His mother says as she appears standing over him with her sword pointed directly at his neck. 

"Jeez, Ka-san! That face plant hurt!" 

" Deal with it Naruto! In a real battle your enemy would not show you mercy and would cut you down before you had a chance to get up." 

"Yea I know, I've been in life and death situations, just at just ask Haku-chan. She nearly killed me shortly after we first met!" 

Kushina chuckles a bit before telling Naruto to stand up." All right come at me again and this time do try to stay on your feet son." 

Naruto wences at his mother's remark before charging at her with his own sword in hand. Tenten watches from the battle from the sideline viciously taking notes on her idle Kushina's fighting style. Naruto slices his sword through the air, causing a gust of wind to blast from it. 

"Wind style: Wind sickle Jutsu!" Naruto yells as he uses a Jutsu he had learned from his girlfriend and wind Jutsu sensei Temari. 

Kushina doesn't dodge, and instead casts her own Jutsu. "Wind Style: Swift Wind Wall." A large swirling ball of wind surrounds Kushina easily blocking the wind sickle.

But as the swirling wall of wind disappears Naruto is swinging his sword downward as he lunges at his mother from the air. She quickly blocks the attack with her own sword, causing Naruto to backflip away and land on his feet. "Shadow clone Jutsu!"

30 Shadow clones appear all around Naruto, obscuring the real one from his mother. All but two charge at Kushina, but she moves with a fluent grace allowing her to easily dodge the shadow clones as she cuts them down. After she has taken out about half of them, Naruto was ready. 

"Gale style: Vortex Rasengan!" Naruto yells I was a swirling ball of wind chakra launches from his hands and straight into his mother. She tries to block the attack with her sword as she had done previously with his Rasengan, but this one was different. 

Upon making contact with Kushina's sword the swirling ball of wind sucks her in close before it explodes. The force of the blast sends her flying against the wall. Her body smacks into the wall before falling down to her knees. She uses her sword to quickly pull herself to her feet. 

" Well done Naruto!" Kushina says, sealing her sword back into the seal on her arm. " You have done something that not even your father could do. You successfully added elemental chakra to the Rasengan and what a powerful jutsu you have created."

"Thank you Ka-san!" Naruto says sealing his own sword into his arm using the same seals his mother had. 

" You also seem to be getting incredibly adept at sealing jutsu. I think it's time to learn your father's Jutsu, Naruto.!" 


"Do you really have to go, Hinata?!"  

"Yes Hanabi I'm afraid I do!" 

"B-But why Hinata? You just got here!" Hanabi says in between sobs.

"I'm sorry Hanabi, but I can't stay! I can't be in a village without Uzumaki Naruto!" 

Hanabi begins to cry even harder, and it hurt her to see her sister like this, but had to find Naruto. As Hanabi turns to run out of the room she runs right into the leg of their father. " Daddy!!!!! Make Hinata stay! She says she is going away again, make her stay! 

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