Rescue Mission

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""Naruto, Takigakure should be just up ahead." Jiraiya says to his young apprentice.

After Itachi had given Naruto information regarding the jinchuuriki Fū being targeted by the Akatsuki. He talked to his group about it and they had decided on sending a small four-man team to save her. While the rest of them would wait at the Grass Village, for their return.

The team they had settled on was Naruto, Haku, Jiraiya, and Tenten. "

"Good, we gotta save Fū!" Naruto yells as a giant waterfall comes into view.

" There it is Naruto the entrance to the village. There are other entrances but the main one is through that waterfall. " Jiraiya points to a very large waterfall.

When they reach the gate Jiraiya takes the lead of the situation. He walks over to the guard station " My team and I were sent from the leaf on a diplomatic mission. We need to meet with the village leader."

"Really? Pray tell, what do you need with our leader?"

"A dangerous criminal organization known as the Akatsuki is planning to invade your village."

"And why is that a concern of ours? We have never been successfully invaded, what makes you think now is any different?"

"Because they have a shinobi from your village, amongst their ranks. So they probably have ways to get in."

"Okay and supposing we did believe you, what would a criminal organization want with our village?"

"Sorry but I will only tell that to your leader. Just tell Shibuki that Jiraiya is here to see him, I'm sure he will let us in. If he asks to prove my identity, tell him the toad sleeps soundly under the cool refreshing waterfall."

When Jiraiya finishes saying that one the guards disappears using the Shunshin no Jutsu.

He was only gone about 10 minutes but to Naruto it felt like an eternity, it felt like they were wasting time. A fellow jinchuriki was in danger and instead of saving her, they were wasting time arguing with guards at the gate to Takigakure.

The guard finally returns " Lord Shibuki is willing to grant you an audience, please follow me."

Naruto, Haku, Tenten, and Jiraiya, all follow behind the waterfall Ninja. He leads them to a set of stairs carved out of the cave wall. The set of stairs go up, sunlight peeking through at the top of the stairs. The village itself was nothing like the leaf or sand for that matter. It was a giant lake with buildings built all around it. In the center of the lake is a very large tree, the largest tree Naruto has ever seen. It made some of the ones around the leaf village look like small shrubs.

Naruto and the group eventually stop at a large building. The waterfall ninja leads them into the building where they see a man sitting at a desk doing paperwork, it looks kind of like the Hokage's office that he had seen many times back in the leaf.

The man sitting at the desk looked up at Naruto in the group. He has brown hair and dark colored eyes.He is wearing a simple green shirt, with a yellow jacket draped over it. He has a small shoulder pad on his left side, a red scarf around his neck and a Taki headband covering his forehead.

"Jariya, "the man says looking up from his paperwork. " What brings you to Takigakure so suddenly!"

" The Akatsuki, according to my spy network, are targeting jinchuriki. I don't know why they are doing so, but for some reason they desire the power of the tailed beasts. My sources in Iwa tell me they have captured the host of the Gobi. They made a failed attempt to capture the Yonbi. "

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