A Failed Mission

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Protect the client at all costs!" Kurenai says pulling 2 kunai from the small pouch on her right thigh.

"Hai Kurenai-Sensei " Her students say as they quickly surround the the client.

Saizo pulls Two tantos from their scabbards on his belt. " Oh poor children having to deal us. "

He charges at Kurenai and, swings at her. She blocks the attack with a kunai, as he swings the other one which is also blocked. " ohhh my your eyes are even more stunning up close. The sexy red eyes of yours could drive any man insane."

Kurenai watches his eyes as they move up and down her body, eyeing her like a piece of meat. The only thing going through her mind is, 'oh shit a pervert. Why do I always attract the perverts?'

Of course being that he was this close to her, she figured it would be easy to trap him in a genjutsu. She silently starts weaving one handed hand signals and traps him a genjutsu, as Sachi aims for her team. She is about to turn to help them, when she hears. "I don't think so red. You think a simple genjutsu will work on me?"

Sachi suddenly appears in front of the genin of Team 8. " Look kids, move out of my way and maybe I will let you live."

Hinata, Kiba and shino don't move and stand their ground. Kiba who is closest to the Mist assassin, puts up a kunai in a defensive stance. " Akamaru and I are not moving!"

"Then you die!"

She slices her sword at the Inuzuka heir, but he blocks with a kunai as he jumps back. "Let's go Akamaru!"

Akamaru turns into a clone of his master, and jumps onto him. "Fang over Fang!"

Kiba and Akamaru start spinning through the are like a tornado, towards the their attacker. She simply dodges with almost no effort, and turns to look at the inuzuka heir. " Was that supposed to be an attack?"

Taking an the opportunity to attack while Sachi was turned around. Hinata activates her Byakugan, and rushes towards her opponent. Sachi quickly turns and stabs Hinata in the side with her sword, almost as if it was second nature to her.

"Don't worry princess! I missed your vital organs, so you live a little bit longer, but boy will it hurt. " She says as she slowly pulls out the sword.

Kiba whom has a bit of a crush on the young Hyuga becomes blinded by rage. He charges back at Sachi only for her to dodge again. "Come on is this best you all can muster. What are they teaching all of you in the Leaf Ninja Academy? Because if it's how to get an ass kicking, then you lot must be star students.

Hinata is off to the side coughing up blood, she hadn't recovered 100% from her cousin nearly killing her a month-and-a-half ago.

He had apologized of course, but that didn't help in her recovery. She tries to charge back in, only to have Sachi dodge

"Don't you get it princess! You will never out match me, give up already and you get to live. I have a proposition for you, see I find girls are more attractive than guys. Therefore on the occasion I find one I really like, I give them a choice. Serrender and I will let you live as my pet, refuse and you die."

Meanwhile Kurenai has her hands full with Saizo, she was running out of genjutsu options. After trying a few weaker genjutsu, she tried her strongest which he is easily brakes out of. She can however tell, he was starting to run out of chakra.

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