the start of training

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After having a fight with his mother and learning of his wind chakra nature. Temari also agreed to teach Naruto how to use wind Jutsu.

"Thank you Temari-chan!" Says Kushina with a smile.

"Your welcome it's the least I could do after Naruto gave me my little brother back. I will be gl-"

Temari stops mid-sentence as she is interrupted by Naruto." ummm Ka-san why is this paper turning to ash all of a sudden!?"

"Getting that would mean that you have a fire nature." Kushina replies before suddenly looking over at Naruto in shock. "Wait you have a fire nature!?"

" Does this mean I have two chakra natures Ka-san?"

"Yes Naruto you do! And while having two chakra natures if not necessarily unheard-of it's extremely rare. Learn to master both of them and you might be able to make a unique release."

"Any idea how I got two, Ka-san?

"Well you more than likely got the wind nature from your father as that was his primary nature. As for the fire that more than likely comes from the Kyuubi."

"How can learn fire jutsu if none of you have it?"

"Excuse me kid you underestimate me!I can teach it to you, I am the the great Jiraiya after all." Jiraiya says striking a stupid looking pose.

"Really that would be great pervy Sage!"

" Okay Naruto we shall start your training first thing in the morning you train with Temari in the morning and then me in the evening until you have mastered both fire and wind change in nature. After that you can start learning fire and wind Jutsu"


Meanwhile at the leaf Village, training ground 9

The sunlight reflects off of the smooth and sharp form of a kunai. It gleams and glistens as though it has been freshly polished, and it ha been, the owner of said kunai is none other than a certain bun haired girl from Team 9. The kunai is stuck into a tree stump with a bullseye painted on.

"Wow Tenten your flames of youth are Burning fiercer than ever." Says might Guy as gives his young student a thumbs up, and smiles with a smile that it's so bright it's blinding.

"Of course Guy-sensei I must get stronger. my goal is to be the word's strongest kunoichi, I must train to achieve that goal. I realize I'm not as strong as I thought I was when that kunoichi beat me. I must get stronger so I can challenge her to a rematch one day."

"Wow Tenten, your determination is an inspiration. I will use that inspiration to recover from my injuries and continue my training so that I may get stronger to." Says Lee as his eyes glow brightly with an intense fire. He is recovering nicely but was still any severely weakened estate due to almost by being killed by a sand Ninja.

"A noble goal Tenten, it seems we all have new goals that we need to achieve after the chunin exams. Naruto should have lost to me, but somehow he defied fate and was able to win. He showed me that although things are fated to happen that if you have a strong enough will you can overcome the odds that fate dealt you. Tenten you my have been fated to lose to that sand ninja girl, but if you keep working I'm sure you will one day beat her." Neji says surprising everyone. his loss to Naruto had changed him, and it was obviously for the better.

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