The Cloud

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"We are here for an audience with the Raikage."

The Kumo Shinobi stares at the blonde jinchuuriki and the people with him. The guard was a man with short silver hair, and skin almost the color of various mountains surrounding the village. He has on an olive green shirt and the black pants with shin and handguards, a white flak jacket that only went over one shoulder, and of course a kumo headband which was the same color as his pants.

With him was a girl dressed similarly to him, but her undershirt, pants, and headband were a navy blue color. She had light chestnut colored skin, and lavender colored hair and eyes.

"What business do you have with our Raikage?"

Naruto had only brought a small group of people with him, including his girlfriends, and his mother. A smaller group would mean that they were more likely to be granted their request, whereas a bigger group might make Kumo think it was some kind of invasion.

"We are but simple rogue ninjas wanting to seek refuge in your village.'

"Oh Really kid? Then tell me why you're traveling with the sand princess of Suna?"

Yo! Kaku, Saki! I'm here on a mission for brother A to get the reports for the day."

"Lord Killer B right away!" The girl says as she quickly scrambles around to get the reports from the table behind her.

Naruto looks over to the sound of the voice! It had come from a man with dark skin and extremely light blond hair and a goatee. He wears a pair of dark sunglasses obscuring his eyes. Under his left two little blue lines are tattooed resembling bull horns, and on his right shoulder is a tattoo with the kanji for iron.

He wears a standard white Kumo over one shoulder flack jacket with no undershirt, black pants, red and white shin and hand guards, and shinobi sandals. His headband cloth is the same white color as his jacket.

"Naruto! Comes the voice of the fox from deep within Naruto." This Killer B, he is just like you! He has… the Hachibi sealed within  and I also sense the presence of the Nibi somewhere close as well."

'Thanks for the info Kyuubi' Naruto replies back mentally.

Killer B must have noticed Naruto and his group as he turns his attention to his fellow jinchuuriki. "This one looks a bit proud, anyway welcome to the cloud. My rhymes are slapping, and heart tapping. My mind racing, as I do my fencing. Killer B is my name, and following me is my fame."  The now named Killer B makes rockstar symbols in both hands as he puts them into the air. "What business has brought you here? I'm interested so I'd like to hear."

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm looking to speak with your Raikage, because I was hoping we could seek refuge in your village. I also have our proposal that I wanted to run by the Raikage."

"You bloody fool, my brother is a moody tool. You better watch what you say, or in the hospital you will stay.

The lavender haired girl hands Killer B a stack of papers. "Here you are Lord Killer B, the reports you asked for!"

Killer B grabs the paper as he says "thanks, Yo! " he then turns and motions for Naruto and his group to follow him." Follow me, come this way. I will take you to the Raikage."

As Naruto, Temari, Haku, Fūu and Kushina follow the 8 tail jinchuuriki they can't help but admire the architecture of the village. The air felt thinner here than it did in the leaf Village. It was probably due to how the village had been constructed. It was completely different from that of the leaf, as all of the buildings are built into the rocky walls of the mountains. They seemed to go up multiple stories.

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