Hinata Rescue Mission part 2

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Sorry for the lateness but i was having just a bit of trouble figuring out where I wanted to go anyway I hope you enjoy.


"An enemy ninja, with a bounty on my head? That's something I wasn't expecting to find in a hot spring." Pakura says as she starts weaving hand signs. "Karin, prepare yourself!"

"Right!" Karin says, dropping into a defensive stance.

Her first trip to a hot spring should have been relaxing, but instead it had turned into a battlefield. Although she had to admit the sight of three naked women fighting was not at all unpleasant. The one with Viridian hair and coral eyes was a jonin, that much was clear. If Karin had to guess she was probably in her mid to late twenties. Her face and slender frame made her a stunningly gorgeous beauty, but it was the second girl that caught Karin's attention.

She has dark blue shoulder length hair, and pale skin. She could and this girl was around her age maybe a year or two younger, but my god was this girl well endowed. She clearly had the biggest chest out of all the girls here and large rings adorn her perky pink nipples. The space above her pussy was clean shaven and what looked like a clan symbol had been burned into the central space of the area.

'This girl is far too beautiful to spend her life as slave' Karin thinks as she takes in the girl's most prominent feature. Her eyes, beautifully pale pools of lavender that were unlike anything Karin had ever seen before, they were mesmerizing.

She was quite possibly the most beautiful creature Karin had ever seen. But Karin knew that as beautiful as this girl was she was an enemy, a fact that she was quickly reminded of when the girl came in to attack her with a jab.

"I will defend my mistress!" As the girl gets closer Karin notices the veins around her eyes bulging making clear that she had some type of dojutsu.

Pakura on the other hand was not as distracted by the nudity as Karin. She was currently blasting small fireballs at Sachi, who was currently evaporating them with her own balls of water.

"Poison style: poison serpent!" A large Serpentine form starts forming from the water, before turning a dark murky purple. 

Pakura immediately turns up the heat of the air using her Scorch Release. This causes the poison dragon to evaporate rather quickly causing the poison to leak down into the water of the hot springs. Seeing how easily her dragon evaporated, charges in for some hand to hand combat.

Pakura knew she had to be on her guard, as she knew this is one of the infamous Dokukami twins. The Bingo book mentioned that Sachi was known for her special poison release, which combined water release with a number of deadly toxins.

"You know Pakura," Sachi says as her eyes glance down  Pakura's chest." If things were different you would make for a gorgeous slave, but alas the client was very specific that he wanted your head."

Karin was trying her best to guard against the lavender eyed beauty, but she was faster. The only thing Karin could do was block attacks. Through her Kagura Shingan she could tell that this girl's chakra was being focused into palms as she swung at Karin.


"Will you hurry up already? I'm sure that that pathetic god of yours has already had more than enough sacrifices."

" Lord Jashin won't be pleased if I don't sacrifice enough corpses to him. "

" We are on a tight schedule hunting this bounty took longer than I expected. I'm sure that your god will understand, now hurry up!"

"Fine, just let me finish this one!" Hidan says as he throws the body of a monk onto a pentagram he had drawn on the ground in blood." Lord Jashin, please accept this humble offering."

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