Hinata rescue Arc part 1

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"Okay Naruto, you have mastered the Rasengan pretty well. Now, it's time I tell you the secret of the Rasengan."

Naruto and his group had been out on the road for about 2 days. Jiraiya had been using that time to train Naruto.

"What do you mean Pervy Sage? Is there more to the Rasengan?" Naruto asks, now curious about the old toad sage's words.

"No, quite the opposite in fact, as powerful as the Rasengan is, it's an incomplete jutsu. "

Naruto looks at Jiraiya, "incomplete how?"

"Well Minato always wanted to change its chakra nature, and infuse it with an element. However he was never able to, he tried but was never successful."

"Tou-san left it unfinished?"

"Yes Naruto," Jiraiya replies. "But I do believe that you can finish it. Since training with Temari you have mastered the change in Chakra nature, but let's see if you can apply it to the Rasengan."

"Right! I will do what Tou-san could not and complete the Rasengan, believe it!" Naruto says as makes a hand sign and forms 100 Shadow clones. He orders them to start working on nature change, then turns back to Jiraiya.


Sachi and Saizo had just gotten off the boat in the land of Waves. By the time the boat had arrived in Wave Country, it was already late. The two siblings had booked a room and we're planning on tracking their target in the morning.

Sachi makes a few hand signs and summons her pets. Hinata, Kaede and Sango appear in a flash of light. Sachi had made her brother get to another room, so she could play with her pets undisturbed.

Hinata while still not as broken as her fellow slaves now appears wearing nothing but a collar with her name on it." Yes, Mistress."

"You know the deal my little Hyuga pet, it's time to please me."

"Of course, it's my pleasure to serve you, Mistress."

Sachi grabs Hinata and pulls her closs, giving her nipple rings a good pull." Take off your collar and grab a bathrobe. Meet me in the Onsen shower room! I will be there shortly, I just need to feed the bitches."

She lets go of the nipple rings as Hinata bows her head. "Yes Mistress, as you command."

Hinata does as she is told and takes off her collar before putting on a bathrobe. Hinata knew that " feed the bitches" meant that she was gonna give Kaede and Sango dinner. She silently relieved that she had not been broken to the point that she was a mindless animal. Kaede and Sango not only acted like dogs but ate like them too. Hinata had even been forced to make the food that they ate. It was a mixture of mashed meat and vegetables, which they both ate out of bowls on the floor like real dogs.

When she finally reaches the Hot Springs shower room she quickly disrobes and waits patiently for her mistress. Sachi walks into the shower room a few moments later in nothing but a bathrobe. Her veridian colored hair cascading down her back, and complimenting her coral colored eyes perfectly. She drops her bath to reveal her large chest and flawless figure. Are you ready to wash me, my pet?"

Hinata's eyes move up and down the voluptuous form of her mistress as she replies. "Yes Mistress, it is my pleasure to serve."

Sachi sits down on a small stool by one of the shower heads. Not even being asked, Hinata knew what her mistress expected of her. She begins by taking the soap and lathering it up and down her own body before moving towards her mistress. She presses her body against Sachi's, using her large breasts to spread the soap.

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