A Broken Tool

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"Black 24!" Yells the loud voice of the blonde Slug Queen Tsunade Senju. She was currently betting what little money she had left. 

The ball drops and slowly starts moving towards one of the numbers. Even though it was only for a short period of time, it felt like an eternity to the blonde sannin. She had bet her last 1000 Ryo on this one spin.

When the ball finally stops it lands exactly on the number that Tsunade had bet on. She could count the number of times she had actually won a bet this large on one hand and every time she had won something bad happened.

She had won a large sum of money in a bet 26 years ago, and shortly after that her younger brother Nawaki was blown to pieces by an enemy trap during the Second Shinobi War. A year or so later she had made another large bet during downtime in the war, only to have the love of her life die in her arms, a few weeks later.  She had won a couple of other large bets over the years and while none of the things that happened afterwards we're as severe as her loved ones dying, tragedy has still come to pass afterwards. She had learned one thing, winning was a bad omen for her.

She quickly and swiftly walks away from the roulette table." Shizune, we're leaving now!" 

Shizune Knew that if Tsunade was leaving in the middle of gambling and something was up. 'She probably won' Shizune thinks as she follows behind her Sensei and long time friend.

As the two walk out of the casino just a Tsunade hears a loud sound almost like a building collapsing. She looks towards the direction of the sound to see an incredibly large white snake slithering towards her. The snake stops as it approaches and two figures jump from its head. While Tsunade doesn't know who the red headed female is, she recognizes the other person all too well.  

The man wears plain gray garbs with a black polo and pants underneath, a thick purple rope belt tied in a large knot behind his back. He has long black hair and pale white skin with purple markings around his eyes. But of course one of his most notable features is his bright yellow snake-like pupils.

" Orochimaru!" Tsunade says, staring at her former teammate. 

"Hello Tsunade, long time no see!"

Tsunade knew how conniving and manipulative Orochimaru could be. She knew he wouldn't just show up out of nowhere, which meant only one thing: he needed something from her. "What do you want, Orochimaru?" 

"I simply require the aid of expert medical ninja! My friend Kabuto here is one, but his medical knowledge pales in comparison to yours. All I require is that you heal my arms and  I will be on my way." 

"And what makes you think I'll help you?" 

" Because over the years I have acquired a vast knowledge of different Jutsu. If you help me I may know of a way to bring back those precious ones that you have lost." 

Tsunade knew who he meant, Nawaki and Dan. However she also knew of one way it could be done and that way was considered a forbidden method. " And how pray tell you are going to do that? The only way is th-"

The Snake Sage cuts her off," yes the only way is the second hokage's Edo Tensei Jutsu. A Jutsu which I happened to perfect, I can use its capabilities much better than your dear great-uncle could. I can't use it without the use of my arms."

Tsunade contemplates whether or not she should help Orochimaru if what he said was true you could have her loved ones back, however knowing her old teammate she doubts he will live up to his end of the promise.

"Look you Slug Bitch, I don't want to be here any more than you do, but I was forced because four-eyes got really badly poisoned, so can you just heal the pedo snake bastard. According to that glasses freak you are the only one who can heal this fucker."

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