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“Ok, are we ready?” asks the pineapple haired ninja. 

“I think so Shikamaru!” Replies his blonde female teammate, Ino Yamanaka 

“Hell ya, I'm ready! I made sure to pack plenty of snacks for the journey.” Says overweight teammate, Choji Akimichi. 

“We are ready too, my son.” Shikamaru, Ino and Choji. Look back to see their parents, Anko Mitarashi, Yuguo Uzuki, as well as the two remaining members of teammate team eight, Aburame Shino, and Kurenai Yūhi. 

It wouldn't be surprising to anyone who truly knew the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans that they had chosen to leave the Leaf together. The bond that the three clans shared was far older than their commitment to the Leaf. Their clans had been together for over 400 Years, far longer than the roughly 100 year history of the leaf.

The group of 13 ninja, each head out of the village and proceed to head north to Kumo. 


“Wow Fuu-chan this is great!” Naruto Says as he takes he shovels down a bowl of ramen. “And you said you made this yourself?” 

“Yes Naruto I did, well I had a little bit of help from Haku.” 

Naruto and Fuu were on a date. She and Naruto had gone on a picnic. They were in the Woods just outside of their new village. She was the one who had packed the food. 

“Well it's really good Fuu! Not as good as Ichiraku Ramen but almost as good.”

Fuu had to admit that Ichiraku was the best ramen she had ever tasted. She had not gotten to try it in its original location in Konoha, but she tried the new location in Kumo. 

‘I'm impressed with you larvae, you have managed to impress your mate with your cooking.’ Comes the voice of the Nanabi  from deep inside Fuu’s head. 

‘It wasn't that hard, all he likes to eat is ramen.’ 

 ‘Still though if it impresses your mate then it's worth it.’

“I'm glad you like it, Naruto-kun.” 

“Yes Fuu-chan you are a really good cook, believe it!” 

 Just then a loud annoying obnoxious voice comes sounding from to their left. “ I hate to interrupt your moment, shit heads.  But that old pervert wanted to see you.”

Naruto and Fuu turn to see Tayuya walking out from the tree line on the edge of a clearing. “I see, do you know what Pervy Sage wanted?” 

“How the fuck should I know. That pervert just told me to come find you. It was something about a bunch of idiots from the Hyuga Branch Clan or something like that.”

“You know,” Fuu says in a rather annoyed tone. “You could be a little bit nicer to Naruto! He did save your life after all!”

“My business with Blondie is none of your concern, bitch!” 

“Fuu-chan, let it go! Tayuya-chan can be nice if she wants to be!”

“I fucking told you not to call me that shit head.” 

“Okay whatever you say Tayuya-chan.” 

 “Fuck you if you didn't save me I would fucking kill you right now. “ 


The land of Hot Water

“Sasori my man, when will you realize that true art is an explosion, it is spontaneous. It is the beauty of a single moment.”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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