Visions and a new Ally?

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"You stupid demon!"

"You're worthless!" 

Naruto didn't know what was happening, one moment he was fighting Sasuke's older brother Itachi and the next he was here in the Leaf Village. He was reliving a moment from his past, all of the years of torture at the hands of the villagers. 

Naruto realizes that he himself is once again back in the body of his six-year-old self. Suddenly shadowy figures appear all around him. He hears those same voices throwing insults at him calling him a monster, demon, throwing every insult they could at him.

He closes his eyes in anticipation for the beating he knew was coming, the voices of the shadows all around him   making him feel worthless. Naruto knew any moment they would start beating him, that he would be beaten within an inch of his life, but that beating never came.

 "Naruto!" A voice calls out his name. Despite the voice not sounding hostel, he keeps his eyes clenched shut out of fear. He didn't want to open up his eyes, but the voice beckons him again,"Naruto!" 

Naruto reluctantly opens his eyes to find an Anbu with a weasel mask standing in front of him. The Anbu grabs his mask and pulls it to the side of his face, revealing it to Itachi Uchiha. "Naruto, this is a genjutsu brought upon you by my Sharingan eyes. "

"Damn it, I suck at genjutsu."

"Relax Naruto, I only trapped you here to give you a warning. I wanted to warn you of events to come. Jiraiya informed me Danzo has been named the Godaime Hokage. If he's anything like he was years ago, he is probably planning  a revenge war against Sunagakure.  Jariya informed me of the situation with you and fourth kazekage's daughter. Danzo will clearly take that ignoring peace negotiations, and officially declare war on Sunagakure." 

"But I don't care what happens to Suna, the only attachment I had to them are Temari, Gaara and Kankuro and they left the village."

"Yes maybe so, but Danzo won't stop at just Suna. He will eventually come for Kumo and Iwa. He will start a 4th Ninja War. " As Itachi says this the scenery around Naruto changes, all around them are visions of Ninjas from various villages clashing.

 "I also wanted to warn you about the organization that I work for, the Akatsuki. The other members are extremely powerful s-rank rogue shinobi. As for a goal they plan to gather the tailed beasts. If they were to get their hands all 9 the destruction caused would be catastrophic, especially if our leader intends to revive the Jubi."

The scene changes once again to see figures of various shapes and sizes all standing in a big circle most of their faces are covered in shadows, but the black robes with red clouds are clearly  visible.

"So you want me to stop Danzo and this Akatsuki group?"

"You are already stopping their plans, simply by gathering the jinchuriki and taking Danzo's elite shinobi. Just continue down the path you are taking. I will do my best to prolong the Akatsuki plans for a bit longer. I was hoping my little brother could help you in this endeavor, but Danzo and those old crones of the council have him on too short of a leash. So can I count on you, Naruto?"

"Of course, Itachi-san you can count on me, Believe it!"

There is a flash of light, and suddenly Naruto is back in the training ground of Takigakure. Kisame lies unconscious on the ground, Jiraiya and Haku breathing heavily. Shibuki and Fū were also unconscious. Naruto's first reaction is to rush over to Fū and see if she is okay.

"Fū!" He yells, shaking the girl trying to wake her up.

Meanwhile Fū was wondering her mindscape. It was dark and very much like a sewer. As Fū wanders around she wonders how she got here. Last thing she remembered was fighting those strange men in the black robes. Getting trapped in what she assumes was a genjutsu, brought upon her by the strange-looking red eyes of the more human- looking one.  

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