Plans made in the shadows

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"Okay I won't hold back! I'm a jonin! So I don't expect you to win, but show me how impressive you are!" Yugito says as she stares across the training ground at Naruto.

"Right!" Naruto says dropping into a taijutsu stance.

Yugito drops into a stance that almost made her look like a cat that was ready to pounce. Her fingernails begin to lengthen into long sharp blade like claws. She charges at Naruto and just like that she is in front of his face in almost an instant. Naruto just barely manages to parry her claws with a kunai.

She shifts her wait a bit, as to hit him with her feet which had also become clawed. The claws on her feet make contact with Naruto, digging into the soft flesh of his side.


Naruto explodes into a cloud of smoke, shocking the female jinchuuriki. " A shadow clone!? When did you...? "

"Fire style: Fox fire bullets!" Yugito turns to see nine small fireballs flying directly at her. She attempts to dodge fireballs by flipping into the air only for them to turn and I follow her.

She doesn't have time to dodge them, as they hit her. Lucky for her, the fire didn't really affect her much due to her tenant. While she wasn't completely immune to fire she had much more of a tolerance for it, and could tank a fire Jutsu or two.

As her feet touch the ground, she sees Naruto charging at her with a Rasengan in hand. She flips over Naruto with ease, as she fires a small hairball from her mouth. The ball of hair sores through the air igniting with blue flames as it morphs into the shape of a mouse."Fire style: Mouse hairball!"

The small flaming mouse hits Naruto, as he bursts into another cloud of smoke, "another clone!"

She turns around only to be facing about 100 shadow clones charging at her from behind. " How many clones can this kid make?" Yugito thinks out loud as she starts fighting off the clones.

They disappear in clouds of smoke, as Naruto makes more to replace the ones that had been killed. Yugito however is starting to wonder just how much chakra this kid has. She had never seen anyone be able to produce this number of clones.

"Wind style: Rotating Shuriken!"

Five rapid spinning shuriken come flying at Yugito through a gap in the clones. She manages to avoid being hit by them, as a sixth one grazes her arm. It doesn't manage to slice through her skin, but does tear a large hole in the sleeve of her shirt.

She picks up on the faint hint of chakra, from the wind infused shuriken coming back at her from behind. She quickly turns to see the shuriken flying back at her. She braces for impact, quickly parrying all of the shuriken, as they make contact.

" you're pretty clever for a genin, but I know what you're doing. You're buying time, letting the clock ticked down while the real you remains in hiding. " Yugito says as she starts weaving hand signs." But it ends here, Fire style: Cat bomb!"

She blows a large amount of blue fire from her mouth. The blue flames morph into the shape of a large tiger sized cat. The cat shoots at the large collection of clones and as it makes contact it explodes. This causes it to not only destroy the clone it hit, but all of the clones around it.

As the clones start to dissipate rapidly, Yugito quickly draws a kunai and chucks it towards a nearby bush. The kunai grazes Naruto's check. " You can come out now, I know you're there."

Naruto stands up from behind the bush as he slowly approaches Yugito. She slowly walks in his direction, as she reaches her hand out to shake. " That was a pretty impressive display of power for a genin. You did pretty good holding your own against me, and I am a kunoichi of my word. Looks like you win, congrats Naruto!"

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