A night of passion

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"You two younglings are the hosts of the Seven and Nine tails?"

"Yes," Naruto replies.

"And you need my help. I'm just an old man, what could you possibly need my help for?"

"You're not any old man, you are the host of the Yonbi! A master of a rare Kekkei genkai, the lava release."

"I see you did your homework young lady!"

Jariya steps in to help, "forgive us for the intrusion Roshi, but we came to help you. Those men in the black cloaks were from a criminal organization, known as the Akatsuki. They are gathering the tailed beasts in an attempt to resurrect the fabled Jubi. For what purpose exactly I'm not sure, but if you continue to stay here you are in grave danger."

"That's why we need your help." Naruto continues from Jiraiya's exposition. "I'm creating a new village, a safe haven for myself and as many of my fellow Jinchuuriki as I can save. I already have myself as well as the Hachibi, Nanabi, Nibi, and Ichibi. I need someone as powerful as you in order to help me do that. Plus you join us and you will gain protection from the Akatsuki."

"Their words are genuine Roshi. I can sense the power of my siblings within the two young ones."

'But do you truly trust them, old friend?'

" You can never be too certain of one's true intentions, but for now I say we go with them. Especially if they have the Toad Sage Jiraiya with them. I don't think I need to remind you of the destruction that he and the other Sannin caused during the third ninja war. It would be better to have him as an ally than as an enemy. "

'True' he looks back down to Naruto and Fu. "Very well young ones! I will agree to help you, I guess I at least owe that to you for saving my life.


"Hinata!!!!!!" Hanabi yells, tackling her sister to the floor.

"It's good to see you again, Hanabi!" She says hugging her younger sister. "Where is father? I want him to know that I am safe."

"He is at a Shinobi council meeting! He said he wouldn't be back until late."

"I see, well is there anything that you wanna do Hanabi?"

"Can we watch Sailor Moon until dad gets home?"

Normally Hinata would have hated watching Sailor Moon with Hanabi, but today she was glad to hear those words. " Sure Hanabi! We can do that

Hanabi yells in excitement, before we're looking behind her sister and noticing her uncle Kenji, as well two strange women. " oh you're here too Uncle Kenji, and who are your friends?"

"They're not my friends", he says with a chuckle. "They are your sister's friends! They are the ones who saved her."

Hanabi walks up to Pakura and hugs her. Hanabi's head only reaches just under Pakura bust, given that she was a good 30 cm shorter. " Thank you ma'am! Thank you for saving my big sister!"

"Your name was Hanabi, right?" Hanabi nods at Pakura's question. Pakura ruffles Hanabi's hair. "Well then you are very welcome, Hanabi and please call me Pakura. "

Very well, thank you again Pakura-san." She turns to Karin, as she lets go of Pakura. She walks over and gives her a hug just like she had Pakura. "Thank you ma'am."


"Thank you Karin-san."

"You're welcome!" Karin says as she looks down at Hanabi. " I was happy to help!"


Secluded location, Land of Waterfalls edge

"So you failed to take out the Yonbi!"

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