The Sand Village

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Naruto looks around in awe as he is led through gaara's house. "Gaara, you really live here? This place is amazing!"

"Yes Naruto." Gaara says in his Gruff monotone voice. "Since you were banished, you are welcome to stay here. "

Leaf Village Hokage's office

Danzo was sitting in his office doing the bane of all Hokage, paperwork. as he looked over and signed each document his mind was on other things. ' Damn how could I let that stupid council, vote to banish the Kyuubi jinchuriki. That thing it's a weapon that could be used against our enemies. He also took that Yuki Clan girl with him, the girl's kekkei genkai would be a powerful addition to the Uchiha Clan. I must find a way to get those two back'

With Naruto

"Wow Gaara, I can really use this room!" Naruto says staring at the room that Gaara had led him to.

Like all of the buildings of the Sand Village the room is clay like substance that had hardened to an almost Rock like hardness. The room has been nicely decorated with all kinds of paintings on the wall from various things like the sunset setting over the desert, to pictures of the sand symbol. The beds were made of cherry wood, and had silk sheets on them. It looks like something Naruto had seen rich people have, in the movies, on the few chances he had gotten to sneak in there before being kicked out.

" Yes Naruto this room is your for as long as you're here. If you need anything don't hesitate to come to my room it's about five doors down the when going to left side of the hall, on the opposite side of the hall. It doesn't matter what time of night, I don't sleep much"

"Uumm Garra!"

Gaara turns to his blonde friend "Yes Naruto?"

"Where is your bathroom?" I really can't hold it much longer."

"Go to the left when you leave the room and it's the 3rd door on the right!"

Naruto runs outside the door at top speed. He runs through the hallway almost tripping, because he is running so fast. He was so focused on his need to relieve himself, that he forgets to knock. He puts his hand on the door and is about open it, When suddenly the door opens on its own. Naruto is caught off guard by the fact that the door swings open and comes flying into the room. Next thing he knows he is lying on the floor, his head buried in something soft. He isn't sure what he landed in but, whatever it was it smelled nice.

He starts to get up when he notices a pair of beautiful teal eyes staring back at him. The eyes are framed by long hair that was blonde, much like his own. The girl he was staring at was beautiful, almost as beautiful as Sakura. He stares at her in silence, before the girl finally speaks up in a rather annoyed tone.

" Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" The girl screams. As Naruto laid on top of her she felt a sense of familiarity with this boy, like she had seen him before.

Naruto realizes that this beautiful blonde girl is same one that was with Gaara during the exams. If he remembered correctly, she was a she Gaara's sister. Naruto tries to think of her name, but can't.

" Answer me pervert! " She screams again.

Naruto suddenly hears a gruff monotone voice from behind." Naruto, why are you on top of my sister? "

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