The Roshi Retrieval Arc part 1

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"I wish we could have saved them." Hinata says as she paces back back and forth.

"Yea, I do too." Pakura says, looking up from her book." But the risks were too high."

Much to Hinata's dismay she knew that Pakura was right. She had seen Saizo fight and didn't think that she could handle him on her own. They were camping in the middle of the woods in between Konoha and the Wave, but the decision to leave them still weighed heavily on Hinata's heart.

She had wanted to save Keade and Sango but Pakura had deemed it too risky. She said while it was unfortunate the two Inuzuka twins had to suffer, should they run into Saizo she didn't know if they would live. She and Karin were low on chakra. So instead they chose to flee and fight Saizo another day.

"So, what about you Hinata?" Karin asks, trying to change the subject to a less depressing one. " Do you think your family will be happy to see you when we reach Konahgure?"

"I don't really know. My father is a bit of a cold person. After my mother died, his demeanor seemed to change quite a bit. It got colder and he seemed to push me and my little sister even harder. Unfortunately he is even colder to me, he is than Hanabi. Despite being my little sister she has shown much more promise in terms of strength."

"Surely your dad loves you, he's probably just not very good at showing that affection." Karin says in reply.

"Yea, it just sometimes I wish he would show it more."

"Well then you have to show him that you are just as strong as your sister."


"Iwagakure should be just ahead, kid. But before we go in I must give you a warning. Be very cautious of your actions here, Iwa is not necessarily on the best terms with the Leaf and especially don't mention that you are the son of the fourth Hokage. He caused a lot of casualties for Iwa during the third Shinobi War and I imagine that old fool Onoki is still bitter about it."

"Got it Pervy Sage!"

Jariya turns to Kankuro and Neji. "Don't mention your identities either. Neji keep your hood up to obscure your eyes and if you can avoid eye contact. It will be easier if people don't realize that you are a Hyuga!"

Neji nods, pulling up his hood of the cloak he had as the group approaches the village gates. Jariya turns and walks up the edge of a large cliff. Naruto and the group quickly approach and stare out over the cliff that Jiraiya was standing by. Everyone remains perfectly quiet till Fūu breaks the silence.

"Wow Iwa looks so cool!"

The site before them was a large crater that stretched at least the span of 80 kilometers. The entire crater is filled with giant stone structures, some of them carved into the very cliffside of the crater.  The tallest of the buildings stood in the center. A giant Tower like structure with a cone shaped roof.

Jariya leads the group to a large gate blocking the entrance to a flight of steps going down into the crater. The gate guards look up and notice them approaching. "Halt! Ahh Jariya here to see the Tsuchikage."

"Yes, I'm just here to pass on info about the Akatsuki movements and to locate Roshi."

"Unfortunately Lord Third is quite busy today with preparing our chunin exams. But we can pass along your message, and as for the four tailed jinchuuriki he has taken up residence in a cave near the northeastern border of the land of waterfalls."

"Nonsense, Hayato!" A gruff voice comes with a slight high pitch frequency to it." I'm always up to talking to Jariya. Come Jariya walk with me!"

Naruto looks over the man's appearance. He was an extremely short old man, with a balding head and a short white triangular beard and mustache. He wears a green cloak with a red collar that is split into four sections each with a yellow trim, under which a standard Shinobi style clothing tailored specifically to the stone village. Most notably though he seems to be floating about a foot off the ground. 

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