An apology and new allies

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"You want to join me, Kakashi-sensei?"

"Yes Naruto," Kakashi replies before turning to Kushina, " and Kushina-san I'm sorry!" 

Kushina gives him a slightly puzzled look," for what Kakashi. " 

"For not always being there to protect Naruto. The villagers despise him, they think he's the kyuubi incarnate. I tried my best to protect him, but despite my best efforts they still nearly beat him to death on a regular basis. I'm sorry I let you and Minato-sensei down. I… I …." 

Kushina puts a hand onto Kakashi's shoulder," Don't worry Kakashi. All Is forgiven I know you tried your hardest between your ninja duties. The fact that my baby is still alive means that you did what you could and you're his Sensei right?"  

"Yes or rather I was before he left with Jiraiya."

Then that means you did a good job protecting on missions and protected him to the best of your abilities. For that I am truly grateful. I am very proud of you Kakashi and I'm sure Minato would be as well."

"Thank you Kushina-san, your words mean a lot. Anyway, on to the matter at hand I will willingly join you but you're going to have to convince the others yourself." 

"Who did you bring with you?" Haku asks. "Please tell me you didn't bring the emo king and his pet howler monkey. "

"No, this was a special mission. I have three others with me. You're bound to know at least two of them, Shikamaru Nara and Anko Mitarashi."

"Anko? Isn't that the crazy lady from the chunin exams?"  Naruto says as a chill runs up his spine.

"Yes Naruto, although I wouldn't call her crazy to her face."

"Trust me Kakashi-sensei I'm not that stupid and who is the last one?"

"Yūgao Uzuki, but you may know her as the neko Anbu."

"Neko she helped me a few times back before I became a ninja when the villagers would beat me." 

"Good you may be able to use that connection to help persuade her to your side. I will set up a meeting with them if you would like?" 

"Yes, that would be awesome Kakashi-sensei." 

"How do I know that this isn't an elaborate lie to take my Naruto from me?" Temari asks with a look of uncertainty. 

"I swear on my life that my words are genuine. I promise I will keep my word."

"Don't worry Temari-chan, I trust him." 

"Then I trust your judgement Naruto!" 


At the same time, Secluded location 


The sound of a whip echoes to the room, as it makes contact with Hinata's pale flesh. She screams out as each slash of the whip hits her. 

"That's it, my pet scream for me!" Sachi says as she reaches up and pulls on one of the rings now adorning her nipples. " Looks like they are healing up nicely!" 

She rubs her hand on Hinata's now shaven pubic mound. "Time to mark you permanently as a slave!" 

She reaches over to grab a small iron rod, from a small fire. On the tip of the iron rod is the kanji for slave. "Are you ready, my pet because this is going to hurt!"

She takes the tip of the rod and presses it against the sensitive flesh of her pubic mound. Hinata's screams fill the room as the hot iron sizzles against her flesh. The smell of her flesh searing also fills the room. 

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