The future of Ino-Skika-Cho

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"H-H-Hinata!" Hashi says as he sees his daughter.


They stand in silence for a few moments, before Hashi opens his arms. Hinata walks over and gives her a hug. They stay silent in each other's embrace for a few minutes." Hinata I'm so glad you are safe!" 

He looks over to see the two strange women in his home. Who were they? What were they doing in his home? 

Hinata notices her father's gaze." They are my rescuers father."

His eyes light up as releases his daughter from the hug. He walks over in front of Parkura and Karin, before bowing to them. "If the two of you truly saved my daughter's life, then I am eternally grateful to you. Anything you want as thank you and will grant it, along as it is within my power." 

"No,no! I don't require anything!" Pakura says. Karin says the same thing, she bows back.

"At least let me give you a place to stay, I have to think of some way to repay you. Stay for dinner! I'm sure the maids would be willing to make extra for the people who rescued my daughter." 

Parkura and  Karin agree to stay the night and take him up on the offer for dinner.  He leads them through the large hallways and winding corridors of the Hyuga compound, till they eventually come to a large dining hall. Hashi walks over to the head of the table and rings a little bell sitting on the dining table. "

A young girl comes into the room only moments later. She had short brown hair, and the same white eyes shared by most Hyuga. Considering she was a maid Karin  guessed she was a member of the branch family.  "Yes Hashi-sama!

"Sena-chan! Tell the chefs to prepare a feast! We must celebrate the return of my daughter! "


'Was last night a dream?' 

Naruto asks himself as his eyes open. As he stares at the ceiling, he contemplates the events of last night.  

He was now laying in bed, with Haku and Temari cuddling up against him, as well Fuu laying on top of him. All three girls were as naked as the day they were born. His girlfriends had given a night a passion and lust. A night where he could forget about all that was troubling him, and just enjoy a night of pleasure.

He manages to catch a glimpse of the alarm clock, over the mess of blonde hair to his right. It reads "06:34." SHIT!!! He was late for Kenjutsu with his mother. 

He manages to create a hand sign for the substitution jutsu, substituting himself with a piece of clothing on the ground. He hears groans of displeasure from his girlfriends as he disappears out from under them. He looks to see his blonde and brunette girlfriend still sound asleep, but his mint haired girlfriend begins to stir. 

"Naruto, what are you doing?" Fu asks, sitting up in bed. 

"I'm late! I was supposed to be at the training ground with my mother like 30 minutes ago." Naruto throws on a white T-shirt, before turning to look towards Fu. 

She is sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs closed, but her large chest clearly visible. Her nipples which were one a few shades darker then her caramel colored skin stand hard atop the large mounds of flesh. 

"F-Fu why are you still n-naked?"

"You're one to talk!" She says her bright apricot colored eyes glancing downward. 

Naruto looks down, noticing his dick standing half mast. He looks up at her with a slight blush on his face. She just chuckles as Temari sits up, followed shortly by Haku. 

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