The Akatsuki plan

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After a rather uneventful dinner Naruto, the group had headed to a hotel. They were planning to talk to the leader of the grass Village in the morning, to see if they could enlist his help. The rooms had been set so that the team guy had one the sand siblings had another and the last room was Naruto Haku Kushina and Jiraiya. The pervy Sage of course went off to do "research," leaving just Naruto with his mother and one of his girlfriends.

"Since the old pervert isn't here, I will allow you two to share a bed. If you all want to get a little more intimate just let me know so I can leave the room."

Even the clueless Naruto got what his mother was implying with that. Both Haku and Naruto instantly turn a shade of bright pink. "Ka-san! I didn't expect that from you!"

She just laughs, " relax Naruto I'm only kidding. Can't your mother have a little bit of fun. Now get some sleep you two." Kushina says climbing into bed.

Naruto settles into bed as Haku cuddles next to him." Good night Haku-chan!"

She is about to reply back when there is a knock on the door. Kushina sits up in bed, " I wonder who that could be? Do you think the old pervert is back?" She says getting up and approaching the door. She undoes the small bolt lock, and opens the door to a site she was not expecting.

"Long time no see Kushina-san!" Standing it the doorway was none other than the Uchiha traitor, Uchiha Itachi. She had at first resented Itachi when she had heard about the Uchiha Massacre, as it meant that her old friend Mikoto had been killed by her son, but Jiraiya had told her that the council forced him to kill his clan. She also knew that he was Jiraiya's informant in the Akatsuki.

"If you're looking for Jiraiya he's not here."

"That's okay! I came to give him some important information but I can give it to you. May I come in?"

She is a little bit skeptical about letting him in but reluctantly agrees. When Itachi comes in he simply bows," Thank you Kushina." He then turns the other two inhabitants of the room.

"Naruto, please forgive me for interrupting your sleep, but I have something important to tell you but first I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Uchiha Itachi!"

This hits Naruto like a ton of bricks, he was talking to the Duckbutts older brother. The same one who murdered his entire Clan and became an S rank Rogue Criminal. The same one that the old Duck Butt was on a vendetta to kill.

"But first how is my brother?"

"Don't even get me started on that emo idiot! He got me banished from a leaf after he took credit for beating Gaara. He tried to marry my girlfriend, and most importantly he's becoming a puppet of the damn Council. He was even stealing people's jutsus when he unlocked the Sharingan."

"Foolish little brother! The true path to power it's not relying on others' strength but your own. Thanks for letting me know that Naruto. Now onto the matter at hand. I came to inform Jiraiya of this but I can tell you seeing as I don't have much time before Kisame realizes I'm gone. The Akatsuki are trying to get the jinchuuriki so that they can obtain their tailed beasts and resurrect the Ten-Tails. The ultimate goal, will be to use the power of the Ten-Tails to rebuild the world through destruction. I will not allow that to happen on my watch. Kisame and I were sent to capture you, but I do not intend to follow that order. I'm here to let you know that our leader is sending a group to capture the jinchuuriki of Taki. If you hurry you might be able to convince the girl to join your little group. She will be much safer with you then in her Village."

Naruto stares at Itachi not knowing what to say. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"I understand your skepticism Naruto, but know that I am not your enemy. I am your masters informant in the Akatsuki. I do not wish to cause you any harm. Sadly I cannot give you information on who is being sent to capture the Nanabi from Taki. Anyway I must be going, I've been gone too long and Kisame is probably getting suspicious." Itachi turns and starts to exit the room.

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