Being watched

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"Yes Haku-chan?"

It had been 3 days since the had successfully escaped the Leaf Village and were currently heading towards the Grass Village. They were about a good day and a half from the village. They currently set up camp as it was getting rather late. Haku had every moment of the last 3 days contemplating how she was gonna approach Naruto.

"Well N-Naruto-sama, I... I... I was wondering if maybe wanted..."

She had helped Zabuza take out Jonin level Ninja, she had killed people for money despite how she felt about it. But telling Naruto how she felt seems to be the hardest thing she's ever done.

"I... I... I... "

Naruto stares at Haku, was there something wrong with her. She was acting weird like Hinata weird. "Is something wrong, Haku-chan?"

'Come on Haku say something damn it!' Haku thinks as she struggles to find the words to respond to Naruto. 'Kami why is this so hard'

"Haku-chan you're acting weird!"

'Damn it! Now he thinks I'm a weirdo' Haku mentally yells. 'It's now or never Haku'

"Haku-chan are you okay?"

'You can do this' Haku thinks as she takes a deep breath. She slowly inhales for a second or two, then slow exhales."Naruto! Please be my boyfriend!"

"Oh sure Ha- .... Wait what?! Haku-chan I... I... can't! Temari will kill me!"


At the sound of her voice, Naruto looks over to his girlfriend "Yes Temari-chan?"

"I approve!"

"Approve of what?" Naruto asks back.

"Of Haku!"

"Temari-chan what?"

"I said you can date Haku, just make sure you don't neglect me."

Unknown to Naruto and his group they were being watched from a fairly good distance away by two mysterious figures, cloaked in Black.


"We have reason to that Kyuubi jinchuuriki was here in the village. He was apparently using the Suna princess and Yuki clan heiress as a distraction as they have both vanished as well. Our suspicions were only confirmed just this morning when we received a message from the sand saying that the Uzumaki boy caused the fourth Kazekage's children to go rogue with him. They also mentioned the Toad Sage Jiraiya and a powerful red-haired woman them as well. "

"Thank you for your report Kenji-San, you are dismissed." Danzo says in his normal cold demeanor, while thinking 'red-haired woman? It couldn't be the fourth wife could it?'

"Right of course you're welcome, Hokage-Sama!" Kenji replies before disappearing from the room.

Danzo looks at the letter before he calls forth a council meeting and within 30 minutes the council had assembled.

"I hope you have a good reason for calling this emergency meeting about Lord Hokage? Is it news about the fate of my daughter?"

"No word on the fate of Hinata, this however is a very pressing matter Hyuga-sama" Danzo says. Danzo explains everything from the letter and everyone is silent, its Susuke is the one who finally breaks the silence.

"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!!!! That stupid dobe he took both of my wives from me!!!! I demand we go and retrieve them!!!! I demand we kill the dobe take back my wives!!!!!"

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