Matters of Love

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Naruto Had been spending the last week training. He had been spending the morning learning to control wind with Temari, the afternoon with Jiraiya learning Fire Control, and the evening training with his mother learning Kenjutsu. His mother had told him once he had gotten a good enough grasp on Kenjutsu, she would teach him Sealing justsu.

Temari had been watching him train this past week and using Shadow clones he was making remarkable progress. Naruto had done in a week what took her a lot longer. She was starting to admire him to the point, that she knew her brother could be right. Even now she was training with him, watching him, admiring him.

""Temari-Sensei! I did it! I cut the flower petal!" Naruto yells holding up the flower petal in front of Temari.

"Good job Naruto, I think we are done for today tomorrow you start learning wind Jutsu. "

" Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you Temari-Sensei!" Naruto yells as he jumps for joy.

" Naruto! From now on, you can just call me Temari."

"Ok Temari-chan!" Naruto says with a smile.

Temari blushes a bit at the use of the honorific, but quickly turns away hoping Naruto didn't see. "Naruto Jiraiya told me to tell you, that you have the day off from his training. He said something about to doing research, which for him is code for peeking on girls. "

Naruto nods and leaves the training ground leaving Temari to her thoughts. Meanwhile unknown to both of them, there was a meeting going on in the council room of the Sand Village.

"It's been 3 weeks, since the Leaf invasion and things seem to have settled down between us and them."

" Settled down! If things have settled down then, why do we have the Leaf jinchuriki and, Jiraiya the toad Sage in the village. They must be spying for weaknesses so they can take us out. They know now would be the perfect time as our village is in a weakened state due to our lack of a Kazekage. "

Baki whom who is the acting Kazekage, sits in the room listening to the council's words. Baki in addition to being acting Kazekage, also happens to be the sensei to Gaara, Kankuro and, Temari. Baki himself is a very tall man. He has two distinctive, red markings on the right side of his face, the only visible part of his head, with the rest being covered by his turban-like head gear and by a sheet hanging from it on the left side of his face. He dons the standard attire of a Suna-nin, complete with a forehead protector and flak jacket.

" The most obvious choice for Kazekage is one of Rasa's children, I vote on Kankuro." Says one council member.

"But Gaara has been showing more emotion lately, and has not been such a psychotic monster. Maybe if we give him something to protect it would in turn keep him sane." says another.

"I say we hold a vote!" Baki says trying to make the meeting stay civil. Normally in these Council meetings there were 12 members and the Kazekage. The Kazekage would cast a vote only if the other 12 came to a came to a stand still.

" All in favor of making Kankuro!" As Baki finish the saying that five of the members of the council raise their hand.

" All in favor of Gaara!" and with that the other six raise their hand. "Then it is settled the new Kazekage will be Garra."

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