A New Girlfriend

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"Naruto, please help me! Because I don't want to marry that Uchiha bastard. I don't love him, I love you."

"Y-y-y love m-m-me?"

"Yes Naruto, I do! Look I know this is so sudden, but I've been watching you train. Your drive and determination to get stronger, so you can protect those precious to you. All of that combined with your personality, that I find surprisingly alluring."

"W-w-wow T-T-Temari I-I-I didn't know y-y-you felt that w-w-way, b-b-but I have a f-f-favor can you p-p-please put s-s-s-something on."

Temari looks down at her state of dress."Why Naruto, don't you like what you see?" she says looking back up at him seductively.

"I-I-I d-d-do i-i-its j-j-just..."

Temari chuckles lightly at Naruto getting flustered. "Very well, Naruto."

She goes into her room and quickly gets dressed. She comes back out after a moment wearing her standard purple battle kimono. "Is this better Naruto?"

Naruto still a little stunned nods. "Yes but did you really mean but you said a minute ago?"

"About loving you? Yes I ment every word. Now I'm sorry I broke down in tears like that, but what is it that you want Naruto. I thought that you would be training with your mother."

"Well I came up to umm... ask you out."

"Really Naruto I would love to be your girlfriend, at least until I have to go marry that Uchiha prick. "

Just then they hear a familiar low monotone voice." What is that about you getting married Temari?"

Naruto and Temari turn to the source of the voice which was Gaara." Umm yes Gaara the Village Council wants me to marry Sasuke Uchiha in a political marriage."

"And you're agreeing to it right after Naruto became your boyfriend?"

"Yes, I have no choice but to accept it. it will ensure peace between us is the Leaf. "

"Who cares about the Leaf, they tossed me aside and abandon me in favor Temari's stupid fiance."

"Temari, I was coming to tell you if they offered me the position of Kazekage. But now I think I'm going to decline them. I don't want to be Kazekage for a village that trades my sister off as a bargaining chip for peace. "

"Gaara, Temari, I've been thinking about something and Temari-chan's situation makes want to do it even more. I asked Ka-san and pervy Sage about it and they are on board. I'm gonna start my own village and, I want you guys to help me start it."

"I don't want to just abandon Sunagakure." Temari says in reply to Naruto

"Temari they abandoned you when they told you to marry the Uchiha. I'm with Naruto I will not work for for a Village that trades you off like some bargaining chip. Not to mention all the years of them trying kill me. I don't know about you Temari, but if Naruto goes to start his own village I am with him." Gaara replies to his sister

Temari looks at new boyfriend, and then at her little brother. "You know what you're right, Gaara go talk to Kankuro. Tell him what we're doing and if possible Baki-sensei as well. Naruto when do you want to leave?" She turns to her new boyfriend." In the meantime while we plan our leave, I wanna spend time with my new boyfriend."

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