The Truth about Naruto's birth

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Leaf village 2 days later 10 pm

"Wow Ka-san, you and Tou-san really lived here?" Naruto says starring up at a large mansion.

"Yes Naruto we did. Your father and I locked the gate before going off to fight the Kyuubi. It was locked with a special blood seal. The only ones who can open it now are you and I."

"You mean I could have opened this gate. I saw it all the time when in was little. I thought it would be so cool to live here. The Hokage were always my Heroes, I always wanted to be just like the forth, just like Tou-san."

"Yes, now we better enter quickly. When we're done we must reseal it, so people like danzo won't be wise to what we've done."

"Right Ka-san!"

Meanwhile unknown to them, someone approaches there location. The person always came home this way after training. They turn left, then right, left again, as the Namikaze compound comes into veiw, they see two figures entering the gates of the the fourth's mansion. They were doing the impossible, as the gate should have locked with blood seals. The person decides to follow, to see how the mysterious intruders broke an impossible seal. When Naruto and Kushina completely disappear from view after closing the gate, the person watching them slowly slips closer.

Once inside the mansion Naruto looks up answer the room in awe. "Wow this place looks even bigger on the inside."

The room they were now in has walls atleast 12 ft tall, with two large staircases on either side. There is a pair of doors on either side of the staircase and one in the very middle.

"As much as would like to show you the whole place Naruto, we must quickly get what we came for and leave. But tell you what Minato kept a copy of the blueprints for the house. He locked them in the safe with his Flying Raijin scrolls. We can grab those and rebuild this mansion in our new Village. Now quickly to your father's safe is in his study." Kushina says grabbing her son's hand and leading him through the doors in between the staircases.

She leads him down the hallway till she stops at a set of double doors at the end. "Naruto welcome to your father's study!"

She opens the door and gestures Naruto in. He quickly steps to the door and looks around the room. It was a giant two story room with bookshelves so tall they went from floor to ceiling. The upper floor was a giant u-shaped balcony, with stairs in the middle of the room.

"This place is huge Ka-san! This place looks like it's got more books in the Konoha library!"

"You father does have more, he once counted all of the books in the Konoha library. It contains a total of 289,628 book and scrolls. Your father's library is double that, but anyway I digress, your father's safe is on the second floor."

As Naruto and his mother walk up the steps Naruto asks. " You never really did tell me what happened the night of the Kyuubi attack!"

"Well do you know who the jinchuuriki was before you?"

"Yes, but I only found out a couple of weeks ago. The night we arrived in the Sand Village the fox came to me in my dreams and told me. "

" Good that saves me some trouble! The seal weakened when I gave birth to you, enough for the Kyuubi to Escape. We went to a secluded area, outside the village. so I can give birth away from the village in case it got free. After you were finally born a mysterious man came in and kidnapped you, of course your father managed to save you, but not before getting thrown out of the room by a paper bomb. "

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