Roshi retrieval Arc part 2

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"How many chakra signatures are you picking up, Son Goku?"

"Seven of them, but they're not all together. Five of them are coming from the direction of Iwa, and the other two are coming from the south. They should be here within 20 minutes."

"Good then that means I have time to sit and eat a bowl of my stew."

" Could you take this more seriously, you old fool? Our lives are in danger here! Either of those groups could be the ones who took out the gobi and his host!"

"Yes true, but there's no use fighting on an empty stomach!" Roshi says as he takes a bite of the stew. "And I must say this is my best stew yet."

He silently eats his stew for the next few minutes, and just as he takes the last bite he hears a loud obnoxious voice yelling.

"Hey mother fucker hurry up and get out here so I can sacrifice your ass to Jashin."

Roshi just sighs as he picks up his curved kunai knife." Looks like my moment of peace and quiet is over. Son Goku be prepared! I may have to call on your power."

He slowly walks out to see two figures in black robes with red clouds arguing.

"Well your way is clearly inferior, the direct approach is the better way." Yells the man short slicked back white hair.

"Have you learned nothing, Hidan? We had a chance to catch our target off guard, yet chose to shout our intentions to the havens like a mad man." Replies the other man whose face is obscured by a mask.

Roshi just looks at the duo in front of him, as the white haired man turns to him with a sinister grin." Hahahahaha! Look who decided to show up?"

"What do you want with me? I'm a simple old hermit living in the wilderness!"Roshi says, eyeing down Hidan.

"Come now, old man. We both know that's not true you've got a fucking demon inside of you. Now prepare yourself, demon, I shall kill you in the name of Jashin."

Hidan pulls his triple bladed Scythe off his back before throwing it straight at Roshi. This of course prompts the old man to block the attack with an attack of his own."Earth Style: Rock Wall!"

A wall made of solid rock rises from the ground causing large three bladed weapons to Ricochet off. Hidan quickly yanks the rope tied to the end of the handle, pulling the blade into his backhands and catching the handle with precision.

"Hahahahaha!!!!!!!! Glad to see you had some fight left in you old man! I was afraid that fighting an elderly person would be no challenge at all."

"I think you will find that I'm more than capable of holding off two idiots like you. Lava style: Scorching Stream Rock Technique."

Several large balls of molten rock fly from Roshi's mouth as the rock wall crumbles. Hidan gracefully dodges the flaming rocks, before he sends his Scythe flying once again. Roshi dodges out of the way, gets grazed by the largest of the three blades.

"Hahahahaha! I have you now old man!

Just as Hidan yells that, voices are for coming to the forest to the east. This causes everyone to look in the direction of the voices. They see five figures emerging from the tree line.

"Look Kakazu, more people have come to die! They look like a bunch of fodder, take care of them, will you!"

As Kakazu turns to look at them, most of them look like genin except for the older white haired man. Kakazu instantly knew that the man was none other than the toad sage Jariya.

"Naruto! Fuu! You two help Roshi! Neji, Kankuro, and I will hold off this masked guy!"

"Right pervy sage!" Naruto responds as looks at Roshi.

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