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"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?"  Comes Tsunade's voice.

She was curious about the blondes that had just come to help. The female one was the daughter of the 4th Kazekage that much was sure, but the male was weird. It was like she was staring at a teenage Minato, a site she hadn't seen in over 25 years.

"Who are you kid?" She asks, but before Naruto can answer another voice speaks from behind Tsunade.

"Long time no see Tsunade!"

Tsunade turns to see another sight she hadn't seen in a long time. A woman she thought had died 13 years ago, when the Kyuubi attacked Konahgure. "Kushina! How are you -"

"Alive! Because I survived the kyuubi attack! My Uzumaki spirit and chakra reserves allowed me to survive the extraction, but Minato was the real hero. He managed to push me out of the fox's claws, but at the cost of a fatal injury. He used the last of his strength to save the village and protect Naruto and I."


"Yes!" Kushina looks at Naruto and motions for him to come here. "Which reminds me, meet my son Naruto!"

"And his father is Minato?"

"Yep!' Kushina turns to Naruto," meet your godmother Naruto."

Naruto is about to say something when a loud obnoxious voice sounds out. " Look this reunion shit is good and all, but can you all shut the fuck up and help me!"

Everyone looks at the red-haired sound kunoichi as she continues. "I'm perfectly willing to be your ally however, I can't do that if I'm fucking dead. Blondie did a number on me with that fan of hers." Tayuya looks over to Tsunade, a feat which looks like it takes all the strength she can muster. "You! You're a medical ninja right? So do your fucking job and heal your ally.

Her blunt and very rude attitude ticks Tsunade off. "And why the hell would I help an arrogant little bitch like you?"

"Because it's fucking your job as my ally bitch!"

"And who said an arrogant little snot like you was my ally?"

"Please help her Granny Tsunade." Says Naruto.

Naruto's words, or more specifically what he had called her, caught her off guard."Fine I'll help, but I'm not your grandmother kid." She turns to Haku and Temari who were supporting Tayuya Each girl had one of Tayuya's arm resting on their shoulders." Lay her back down."

Haku and Temari comply, carefully setting Tayuya on her back. Tsunade gets down on her knees and carefully looks over Tayuya's wounds. While the red head was bleeding , her wounds weren't serious enough to trigger Tsunade's Hemophobia . "Your injuries don't look too serious!"

Tsunade's hands begin to glow green as she waves her hands over the redhead's body.  As she moved her hands back and forth, the cuts from Temari's wind jutsu began to close." This should dull the pain and close most of the minor cuts and bruises. The deeper ones will take some time to fully heal, don't push yourself too hard or you might reopen them. With a bit of rest though you should be fine in a few days.

Tayuya stands up, now able to do it on her own, as she looks at Naruto." So where the fuck are we headed?"

Tsunade was a little bit miffed that the girl didn't even thank her, but ultimately decides to drop it not wanting to start another argument. " So anyway Naruto, why did you seek me out?"

"To Kumo Tayuya-chan and to ask for your help granny Tsunade. Due to certain circumstances, I am no longer a Leaf Ninja! I was basically banished because my teammate betrayed me. The new Hokage Danzo ki-"

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