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[ Prologue ]

Mask Of Cold

Elor waited inside of her room.

She stared blankly at the dark wall with her arms folded. Elor didn't know what she was feeling, it was like a pull, but not closer to the dark, but to the light.

She hadn't the slightest idea as to why. All her life was full of pure darkness and blood, yet now here she was, feeling as though it was sickening.

Elor didn't know she had to choose, that's what she had been taught; to choose between light and dark. No middle. There was no such thing. All her life she had been convinced she was doing the right thing by being on the darkside, so she stuck with her life. Never once had she thought of the pain it had caused.

That was a lie, she knew how much pain it created.

She enjoyed it.

The screams of hurt, the blood, the way parents would reach out to their children as they were ripped from their grasp. That was Elor's life.

She couldn't change.

Could she?

How would she even do that? What would be the trigger, she thought. There was nothing for her on the other side. She couldn't change, those words, she repeated in her head. That pull was hard to resist, everytime she felt the light sneaking in, she had to recall her past and every memory she had. It was the only dark that could push her back.

Elor LaRosa had to keep up a facade.

She had to keep up the cold exterior, almost tricking herself into believing it. It was a mask.

She hid behind a mask of cold.

The cold and dark look had managed to save her skin many times. But at what cost?

Elor had given up tears, happiness, and a smile. In replacement, she had blood dripping from her, anger, and a sinister grin.

If only she knew what the light could offer, she would jump right to it. Or she would have when it all started.

She kept her eyes trained on the wall, not tearing her eyes away from the dark grey. The colour was almost black, but there was a lightness to it that changed the colour completely.

It was like a metaphor.

You can never be completely deadly if you have that tiny, small light inside of you deep down.

But she would never hope to love. She saw how it turned out, in death. There's always a target on you if so. She had lost too many times before, she didn't need to lose again. So, she hid, she fought.

And that's how she turned out, a fighter of fury.

She did everything to spite her parents.

But maybe someone could change her view, or help her see it wouldn't be so bad.

But it wouldn't happen.

No one could love her, could they?

She was used to screams of hurt, but the female voice she had heard was calm and stern. Elor almost found it comforting.


Don't feel.

You can't.

You're weak.

Elor opened the door only a little to see a face she had only heard of.

She had brown hair that was styled, dark brown eyes, and was wearing white, the opposite of her colour. She was the princess of Alderaan.

Elor had only heard the stories, and boy, was she starstruck. Yet, she would never admit to such a thing.

She had to hide behind her mask.

It was the only way.

Okay, I kinda like this prologue.

As you can see, Elor has a different storyline than Kat.

Okay, bye!

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