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[ Chapter Ten ]

One Day, But Not Yet

Training had started early that morning. So early in fact that Elor had to put her black jacket that was down to her knees.

She almost tripped on her own feet when she got to the room. Her black footwear scraped the recently cleaned floors with a screech.

"You're late, girl." Elor recognized his voice instantly, Palpatine.

She looked down at her feet, unaware of the disapproving look from the hooded Sith. She couldn't think of a quick response to his statement.

"She is only a minute late, besides, I told her yesterday to get her practice saber in case which I assume was buried." Vader explained, which was a partial lie. Of course she brought her training saber with her, but he never told her to bring it.

The older Sith left the room silently after that, being followed by Vader. Elor was about to leave with them, but Vader shook his head which left her confused.

She took out the weapon and started swinging it around carefully. The saber wasn't the natural dark colour, and it wasn't by choice. The green hue lit up the small dark area she was in.

Elor did that for hours on end, not realizing how long she had been in that same room. She had moved around of course, focusing only on doing cool tricks with the saber.

She didn't realize that Vader had entered the room again. He could see her face, and the focused and devoted expression she had. It reminded him of his brother, Lennox. Both were determined, yet careful and conflicted. It didn't quite make sense to him how someone could be so much like his brother without sharing blood. Maybe that was why he took her under his dark, shadowy wing.

But it was too late for both Vader and Elor to turn to the light. Even though she was still young, the dark was all she'd ever known. And Vader's story was somewhat complicated and hidden to everyone there.

"Take a break." Elor jumped ever so slightly at the sudden voice.

"Bu-" "Take a break." She nodded in understanding, walking away from the room and to the room she stayed in.

Closing the door, she took out the saber again, and used it over and over again. She wanted to perfect it, she wanted to learn more. All Elor wanted was to prove herself, and she would. One day she would look back and see how much she had learned and completed. But not yet.

One day in years she would see herself as the person her parents started to shape her to be. And that she could change.

I'm finally writing again, thank Castiel.

Another episode of Alex being tired as hell.

Okay, bye!

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