II: Student Council

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Our morning class ended. Everything went well and smoothly. Roseanne, my cousin, started dragging me again to the school cafeteria.

She was really famished just by the way she made me walk fast.



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We bought our food and we found a nice table. She started eating after we sat on our seats.

"Don't you have friends here? I have never seen you interact with someone here." I asked while eating.

"I have. They are not just in our class because they are kind of busy with their clubs." She answered, and I nodded in understanding. "Do you perhaps want to join a club?"

"Nah, I'm too lazy for that." She shook her head in disbelief.

"It's fun, Liz. You will gain a lot of friends by joining one, and you can also gain some popularity."

"I prefer this low-key." She scoffed and playfully rolled her eyes.

"Lowkey, but everyone is looking and talking about how pretty handsome you are." I grinned when she said that.

"So you also think your cousin is pretty handsome?" I wiggled my eyebrows and she looked at me in disgust.

"Ew... Over by the dead body." I chuckled and continued eating.

We continue eating while catching up with each other.

All of a sudden, someone went to Rosé and kissed her cheeks, that made her (R) gasp. She turned around and when she saw who did that, she immediately embraced her.

"Babe, I'm sorry, I just arrived." Babe? I can't believe Rosé has a goddess-looking girlfriend.

"Its fine babe, I understand especially when you are the SC Vice President." She had a powerful girlfriend. She caught a nice fish. "By the way, babe, this is my cousin Lalisa Manoban, but just call her Lisa."

"Nice meeting you, Lisa." She offered a handshake, and I gladly accepted it. "I'm Jisoo Kim, Rosé's girlfriend."

"Nice meeting you as well, Jisoo. I didn't know that my cousin had a beautiful girlfriend like you." She chuckled.

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