XVI: Avoiding and Ignoring

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T H I R D  P E R S O N

Lalisa and Bae Suzy's date went well. No one interrupted their date. They played almost all the games at the arcade; they walked around Seoul Park; and they watched different types of fish swimming at the Seoul Aquarium.

Lalisa went home after dinner because Suzy invited her to eat at a cheap but famous Ramen restaurant.

When she went home, she saw her cousin, who had fallen asleep on the couch. She carried her to her room and tucked her in bed. She didn't want her to suffer from back pain, so that's why she carried her to her room.

She received a goodnight from Suzy, and she politely replied with a goodnight as well.

On Sunday, Lalisa went to the kitchen to eat her breakfast. She notices that there is no kitten sitting beside her.

'It looks like the kitten is not here today.' Lalisa said in her thoughts and continued her breakfast.

She notices that Rosé and Jisoo are awfully quiet, which is kind of weird because they are always the ones initiating a topic to talk about.

'Did something bad happen?' She asked in her mind, and she secretly observed her cousin and her friend's unusual behaviour.

She chose to ask later since it is clear the couple doesn't want to talk about it.

On Monday, Lalisa and Rosé went to school together. She discovered that Rosé, Seulgi, and Jisoo had a serious talk with Jennie, that caused a slight problem because Jennie stopped talking to her sister Jisoo.

The whole weekend, Jisoo got ignored by her little sister. Jennie never uttered a word or glanced at her. It's like Jisoo does not exist or invisible.


L I S A 

Rosé, Jisoo, and Seulgi never told me the whole story of their serious talk with. They always avoid the topic every time I try to ask something about it.


She is the only thing on my mind. She is avoiding and ignoring us. I tried to approach her but she just passed me like she didn't see me.

I think I should talk to her, but she has been avoiding and ignoring us for about three weeks now.

We are in the school cafeteria having our lunch. As usual, Jennie will go to have lunch with other members of the Student Council.

I saw Son Chaeyoung at the same table as Jennie. I think Chaeyoung is in a relationship with Student Council Member Mina.

I frowned when I saw a guy put an arm around Jennie's shoulders.

"He is the new toy." Chu said nonchalantly, she looked done with her little sister, and she really got used to her sister's playgirl personality.

"She is back to being a playgirl." Seulgi said with annoyance.

"Don't bother to talk to her, Liz, she will not going listen." Rosé uttered

"What did really happen? Tell me the whole story so I don't feel so dumb and stupid. I don't know what the four of you are talking about, just tell me please." I pleaded, and they sighed.

"You can't do anything about it, Liz, because we don't want to open the deep wound again." Seulgi said, and the sadness is evident in her voice.

"It's about our past, right?" I'm not that dense and oblivious at all. I already guessed that their serious talk had something to do with me.

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