XXIX: Sudden Visit

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Our class just ended awhile ago, and my kitten and I are now cuddling on the sofa in the living room. I'm watching Stranger Things and this kitten is just snuggling into my chest.

"I thought you wanted to watch this?" I looked at her and she was grinning.

"I'm already done watching the whole season." I looked at her in disbelief.

"You sneaky kitten." I started pinching her chubby cute cheeks.

"I love cuddling you, Lili." I kept playing with her cheeks and she is now pouting. "Did you just agree to be my girlfriend because of my cheeks?"

"What if I said yes?" She pouted even more, which is absolutely adorable. "Your cheeks are so fluffy and chubby."

"It's not chubby Lili." She defended

"It is."

"No, it is not."

"It is."

"It's not."

"It is."

"One more it is, you will never be able to play my cheeks." She warned, and that made me pout. "Say it's not chubby."

"It's not chubby." She pecked my lips.

"Good girl." She patted my head like I was a puppy.

"I'm not a dog, Nini. Stop patting my head." She chuckled.

"You're too cute for a dog." She was squeezing my cheeks while squealing. "You're adorable, too cute, so cute, aww Lili, you're so cute."

"Nini, I'm too hot to be cute." I said seriously and that made her laugh.

"Awww, my baby is trying to be cool." She cooed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Baby, my ass." I clicked my tongue in annoyance, and she just laughed even more. "For God's sake, I'm already 23 years old and you are treating me like a baby."

"What's wrong with that? You're my baby. That's why I'm treating you like my baby." I pouted, which made her squeal.

"I'm your girlfriend, not your baby." I whined, and she kissed my pouting lips.

"Arraseo, stop whining now, baby." I glared at her.

"Stop calling me baby."

"What do you want me to call you then? Daddy?" I choked in the air and she laughed while patting my back. "So, you like to be called d—"

"Stop, just call me some other pet name or endearment except that." I cut her off.

"Ok, if that's what my Lili wants." She cupped my face and she kissed my forehead, nose, chin, cheeks, and a little longer on my lips.

Suddenly, we heard someone clearing their throat. We immediately pulled away when I noticed that they were watching us.

My eyes widened when I saw my mom looking at us. I immediately stood up from the sofa and walked towards my mom.

"Mom, why are you here?" I asked her while giving Rosé a 'why didn't you tell me' look. She mouthed, 'You're not replying to my text.'

"I planned to surprise you, but I was the one who got surprised here." She glances at Jennie.

Shit!! She caught us kissing!

"What's with the sudden visit, Mom?" I made her a seat on the sofa.

"I had a business meeting here in Seoul, and I thought I would visit you since I'm already here." Rosé brought my mother a glass of juice.

"When are you going back to Thailand?" She chuckled.

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