XI: Bickering

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T H I R D  P E R S O N

It's been two days since Lalisa got beaten up by Kai and his basketball teammates. Fortunately, Lisa was unconscious only for a day and didn't have any worse injuries. She is already awake and currently laying on her bed while scrolling through her phone.

She received a text message from Kai, apologizing and regretting everything he did to her, which made her eyebrow crease. 

She hesitates to reply, and she just chooses to leave his text message seen.

"Lili, what are you doing on your phone?" Jennie sat on the bed beside her.

Since the unfortunate incident, the certain brunette has never left her side, always taking care of her and accompanying her in her boring four-wall bedroom.

"I received a text message from Kai." Lisa closed her phone and she sat up with the help of Jennie.

"What did he say?" Jennie was fixing the duvet and she covered Lisa's feet.

"He is apologizing." Jennie hummed in response. "Nini?"


"Did you hurt him?" Lisa asked while looking directly at Jennie's feline eyes. Jennie knows that if she lied, Lisa would know that she was not telling the truth.

"Yes, I gave him the pain he deserved." Jennie admitted that she had observed Lisa's reaction. She didn't feel any fear, shock, or anger, which made her internally sigh in relief.

"What did you do to him?" Lisa grabs her hands and observes her knuckles.

"I just taught him a lesson." Lisa hummed and nodded. 

Jennie just stares at Lisa, who is tracing her knuckles. She can't help but crack a smile because Lisa is holding both of her hands.

"Lovebirds, let's eat!" Jisoo shouted, causing Jennie and Lisa to flinch.

"Do you want me to bring your food here?" Jennie asked Lisa, and she shook her head.

"I didn't break my feet, Jen. They can walk well." Jennie chuckled, and she helped Lisa stand up.

They headed downstairs together, Jisoo eyeing their holding hands. She smiled at the sight of Lisa's comfort now around her little sister Jennie.

After Lisa and Jennie sat down, they started eating quietly and peacefully.

"He and his accomplice are already expelled from KM University. You have nothing to worry about anymore, Limario." Jisoo broke the silence with the good news.

"He left a text message. He is apologizing." Rosé snapped her head at Lisa's utterance.

"Don't tell me you already forgave him." Rosé asked, eyeing her cousin, and the latter simply shook her head.

"I don't know how, he caused too much pain and it really hurt. He almost destroyed my beautifully handsome face. Lisa winked at her, trying to lift the mood. Rosé groaned and rolled her eyes.

"My cousin is so cocky, your face is already destroyed even before he beats you up." Rosé stuck out her tongue, teasing Lisa.

"Yah! You are lucky to have this beautifully handsome and attractive cousin." Lisa proudly said.

"Tsk! Where is that cousin? I don't remember. I have a beautifully handsome and attractive cousin." Lisa rolled her eyes and Rosé chuckled.

"You can't remember who that cousin is? Such a waste. You should be proud and happy that you have me as your cousin because I'm attractive and good looking. While me, I have a chipmunk looking cousin who did nothing but to eat and eat."  Rosé scoffed and got offended.

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