XVII: Courting

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My everyday life went back to normal again, where there is a kitten always following around or always with me wherever I go.

She already dumped her new toy because she wanted to prove to me that she is no longer a playgirl, and she used the guy to pass the time, typical playgirl lines.

We are here in the school cafeteria, eating our delicious lunch and talking with each other about some stuff, but the kitten and chicken are not here because they have some Student Council work.

Student Council members are all busy because KM University Foundation Day is coming.

I notice Rosé texting while eating and talking to us; she is good at multi-tasking. 

"Whom are you texting with?" I asked her and she glanced at me.

"Your bae." I furrow my eyebrow.

"My bae?" I asked and looked at her with confusion.

"Bae Suzy." She answered, and she put her phone on the table. "She's coming in..."

"Hi guys!" I heard someone greet us enthusiastically, which prompted Seulgi and me to look in that direction.

"Do you mind if I sit here with you guys?" Suzy asked while carrying, I think, a lunch box.

"Not at all." Seulgi answered, and she even pulled out a chair for her.

"Thanks." Suzy thanked her and she took a seat beside me. "We met each other again, Lisa-shii."

"So formal of you, Suzy-shii." She chuckled, and she put her lunch box on the table. "May I ask why one student from JY University is here?"

"I'm part of the Student Council of our university, and we had a meeting with KM University Student Council as well as the other schools' Student Councils." She explained and she opened her lunch box. Her lunch was Japanese cuisine.

"You like Japanese food?" I asked, and she nodded.

"It's delicious; try it." She used her chopsticks and offered her tempura. "Say ahh."

"You didn't have to." She shook her head.

"Open your mouth, say ahh." I looked at Seulgi and Rosé asking for help, but they were busy watching us like they were watching a k-drama.

"Ahh." I opened my mouth and I took a bit of her tempura. She removed the crumbs that went on my chin and she smiled at me.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" I nodded while chewing the tempura. "I'm going to bring a bento box for you tomorrow. Therefore, you didn't have to bother to fall in line to eat the school cafeteria food."

"Ahm...Suzy, you didn't have to do that. I'm fine with the cafeteria food since it's delicious."

"But I wanted to. I want to feed you, so let me." I scratched my nape and I sighed when I saw her giving me her puppy eyes.

"Fine, but that will be the first and last time you're going to do that for me." She nodded, and she smiled widely.

"Are you two having a mutual understanding now?" Seulgi pointed at Suzy and I.

"I'm not sure about Lisa, but I think I'm slowly developing a romantic interest in Lisa." She intentionally brushed her shoulder against mine, which caused Seulgi and Rosé to squeal like fangirls. 

"Monkey, how about you?" Seulgi inquired, and everyone looked at me, waiting for my response.

"To be honest, I don't know and I'm not sure." Rosé and Seulgi looked at me in disappointment.

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