XVIII: Competitive Suitors

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It is pleasant to see my sister happy and cheerful. She combs her long hair while singing and dancing to the song 'Really' by Blackpink.

I told her last night that Limario gave her a chance to prove herself. She was surprised when I told her that. I cheered her and gave her advice that she should never hurt Lisa again.

I still clearly remember those days when she was suffering from heartbreak. How does she lose so much weight when she skips meals, isolates herself in her bedroom, refuses to speak to us, laughs until she sobs, and gradually loses herself?


I been living in New Zealand for years now because her mom needed someone to help her in the company. 

All of a sudden, I heard that my little sister Jennie will be moving here in New Zealand and she will be staying with me until she feel well.

The first week she lived with me, it was peaceful and delightful. We bonded with each other and cherished each moment. 

In just a blink of an eye, the second week of her stay here became different.

She stayed in her room all the time; she never came out of her den. She never let anyone inside, so we left her food outside, but she never ate it.

I called my mom that time to ask what happened to my little sister, and she said she was experiencing depression. She hired a psychologist to help my sister, and the psychologist is the only one Jennie talks with.

One time, I went to her room when she was sleeping peacefully. I sat on her bed beside her and stared at her face.

She has big dark circles under her eyes, her mandu cheeks are not visible anymore, she has lost too much weight, and she looks so pale.

I stroked her sideburns and wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Jennie, I hope you will heal soon because your unnie misses you." I miss my Jenduekie. " "I said in a soft and calm tone."

I went out of her room and headed to the kitchen to cook some food for her. After I finished cooking, I went to her room again, carrying food for her.

I didn't bother to knock, I just opened it and I saw her sitting on the bed while staring at the window.

"Jennie." I called her and she looked at me. She gave me a small smile. "Here, eat this."

I set the bed table and I put the food in front of her.

She started eating, which made me sigh in relief because I thought she was going to refuse the food that I made. 

I just watched her while she was eating.

"I miss her." She said something, and I looked at her, perplexed. "I broke up with her, then I regretted that I did such a horrible thing to her."

"You realize that you love her when you finally let go of her, don't you?" She nodded, and loneliness was evident on her face.

"At first, I just used her to kill some time when I was bored. She is always following me around, taking care of me, buying the things that I want, she is always there for me, she supports me in the decisions I make, she always waits for my volleyball practice to end so she can walk me home, and she has been nothing but a perfect good girlfriend to me. However, I choose to ignore the things she did for me and I choose to hurt her feelings."

"Regret always comes at the end, when we have already lost something or someone. We can't change the past, but we can make things right in the present. Jennie, you still have a lot of time ahead and you can use that to make a change. Stop prisoning yourself here. You can't change the past anymore since it's already in the past. Reflect on your mistakes and don't commit the same mistakes again." I hugged her and she cried on my shoulder. I stroked the back of her head soothingly and she kept crying on my shoulder.

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