V: Being Watch

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T H I R D  P E R S O N

Since Lalisa Manoban transferred to KM University, she has unintentionally caught people's attention because of her attractiveness. She is beautiful and handsome at the same time, which every girl and boy find so attractive.

Seeing Lalisa with the Student Council President Jennie Kim became an issue. They thought that Lisa was the new target of Jennie. Everyone knows that Kai's being Jennie's boyfriend will end soon because Jennie has never had a boyfriend that lasted more than a month.

"I hope Lalisa will not fall for Ms. Kim's charm."

"I don't want her to be played by a famous player."

"I think we don't have any chance with her since Ms. Kim is always with her or following her."

"I think they are just friends."

"Impossible, she always clinging into Lisa that made Lisa uncomfortable."

A lot of students gossip about them.

There is a different opinion about Jennie and Lisa being with each other always. They believe that Jennie likes Lisa, some believe they are just friends, and some hate the fact that they can't cling to Lisa like Jennie.


L I S A 

I'm scrolling through Jennie's playlist since she hasn't returned my phone to me. I have been using her phone for a day now because she said she is busy, that's why she can't find a time to change my tempered glass.

"Excuse me." Someone spoke to me, and I looked at her.

"Yes?" She handed me one red rose and a small paper bag.

"I like you. Please accept it." I hesitantly accepted it. Before, I even thank her she already ran away and disappeared from my sight.

I opened the small paper bag and there were homemade cookies and chocolate inside. I opened the tupperware and was about to eat it when someone snatched it from me.

"Don't eat it." Jennie grabbed the paper bag and put the cookies back in the bag.

"Why?" I asked and she looked so annoyed right now.

"Just don't; we don't know if it's safe." I furrowed my eyebrow and I was about to reach for the paper bag in her hand, but she hid it behind her.

"I will throw this away." She even grabbed the rose that was inside the paper bag, then she started walking and I followed her.

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