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It's our examination week, that means this week will be hell because we need to study for our test and need to pass all the requirements, such as activities and written work.

I really hate exams, quizzes, tests; in short, I hate studying, but I chose law as my course because I wanted to be a lawyer.

I praised my girlfriend and her big sister for being able to study law while doing their duty as the Student Council President and Vice President of our university.

The Student Council is constantly meeting with the academic staff and the headmaster these days. I heard that the owner of KM University, which is Jisoo and Jennie's parents, will be visiting the university.

We only meet Jennie and Jisoo every lunch time or after school for about an hour or so because they have a full prep schedule. They only came to see us because they wanted to see if their girlfriends were okay and still loved them.

Lately, someone has been following me around, and I can feel that someone is taking my photo. It made me buy pepper spray and a taser because I was afraid the stalker might attempt to hurt me.

Rosé and Seulgi were already aware of it. We didn't report it to the police since we don't have any concrete evidence, so we are just staying alert about our surroundings.

I was studying inside my room. My table is full of notes that I made when I heard my tummy growling like a mad wolf.

I want to eat some chocolate.

I grabbed my jacket and I went out of my room.

I saw Rosé sitting on the floor while studying at the center table. She was so busy studying that she didn't notice me standing beside her.

"I'm going to 7/11. Do you want me to buy something for you?" She flinched, and she nodded. "What is it?"

"The whole 7/11." She said this without looking at me.

"Money." She gave me a ₩1000, that made me frown. "Don't expect that I'm going to buy the whole 7/11."

I went out of our penthouse, wearing pajamas with an oversized hoodie and socks since it's pretty cold outside.

I'm walking down the side walk while singing some random song, when I felt that someone was following me again. I don't know why I have a good instinct that I can feel it when someone is looking at me or following me.

Thankfully, I learned self-defense from YouTube and books. I practiced it on my pillows and I already used it on Hanbin, so I think I can defend myself now.

I went inside the 7/11, pretending that I didn't know someone was following me.

I grabbed two baskets and I put all the chocolate bars in my basket, that made the part-timers look at me with wide eyes. I put ramyun, ice cream, candies, chips, and soft drinks in the other basket.

The part-timer helped me carry the basket to the counter, and I paid and went out of 7/11 while carrying four plastic containers of food.

I intentionally went into the dark alley of our penthouse building, but then I saw someone's shadow and he was still following me.

I dropped the plastic on the ground and continued walking. I think that made him confused because I left the food that I bought.

I made a left turn and waited for him to make a left turn as well. I quickly kicked his crotch, which caught him off guard, and then grabbed his right arm from behind.

"Why are you following me?" He was kneeling on the ground and groaning in pain. I took the chance to remove his hat and pull his hair. "Speak! Don't make me repeat. "

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