XXXVIII: Cuddle [M]

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Rosé let me inside of their penthouse. She informed me that my Lalisa is probably sleeping now. I went straight to Lili's room to cuddle her because she had requested it.

I saw my Lili, sleeping peacefully in her bed. She was wearing a black pajama set with a red cherry printed on it.

I crawled on top of her and I pecked her pinkish plump lips.

Why she is so hot even though she is just sleeping?

I saw my Lili's collarbone and it begged me to lick it, but I'm afraid she'd be upset if I took advantage of her while she was sleeping.

But, you have already done that, Jennie Ruby Jane Kim.

I leaned in close to Lili's collarbone and began licking it.

Fuck! You taste so delicious, Lalisa.

I noticed that she has an adams apple. I can't believe she has that. I guess she is really a full package. If I'm not a year older than her, I'll probably always call her Oppa.

"Let me taste that Adams apple of yours." I rolled my tongue at her adam's apple and I gently sucked it. She stirred a bit, but I didn't stop and I continued sucking her adams apple.

I kissed her jaw, neck, and collarbone. I looked at her and she was still peacefully sleeping.

She was probably thinking that she was having a wet dream.

I started unbottoning her top, revealing her deliciously hard abdominal muscles. She had pretty good hard abs for a girl, even beating the man with the best abs out there.

I traced her abdominal muscles using my index finger. It made her stir a bit, but not to the point of waking up because she is a heavy sleeper. I leaned down and kissed her lips. How much I've always wanted and missed kissing these lips.

I nibbled on her bottom lip and gently sucked on it. Her mouth went open. I quickly inserted my tongue into her mouth, savoring every corner of her mouth and exploring every depth of it.

Suddenly, I felt that she was now responding to my kiss, and I pulled away to breath. She slowly opened her eyes and our eyes met.

"You sneaky kitten." She uttered, and she hugged me tightly.

"Baby, your mommy is now here. Shall we?" I wiggled my eyebrows and she flicked my forehead.

"I said cuddles, not making love." I pouted.

"But, Mommy wants to make love, then she will cuddle you after our session." She pinched my cheeks, but not enough to hurt me.

"Lili only wants cuddles from Nini." I shook my head and pulled away from the hug as she said with an aegyo.

"Tonight, I want you to call me mommy." I whispered to her right ear and I licked it, that made her body shiver.

I pulled up her sports bra and helped her to remove it.

I licked her nipple and covered it with my saliva, then I went to her other breast and showed the same intensity and amount of love to it. I continue licking, nipping, and sucking her nipple like a hungry baby who hasn't eaten in ages.

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