XIV: Suspicious

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Lately, I have been feeling that someone is creepily following and watching me. To add to that, I always felt like someone was sneaking into my room and that someone was always leaving a strong scent.

I think I should install a secret camera in my room, but I'm scared of seeing a ghost in the camera. What if there is paranormal activity in Rosé penthouse?

I'm not sure. Rosé is a holy church girl and close to God. I'm sure a priest blessed her home before she lived here.

Also, I don't think someone can sneak here because this penthouse has high security. Rosé and I only have fingerprint access to the door.

"Couz." I called Rosé, who was busy writing an essay.

"Yeah?" She only glances at me.

"Are we the only ones who had fingerprint access to your penthouse?" She stopped writing and she looked at me.

"Yes, why?" 

"I felt like someone was sneaking into my room." She raises her eyebrows.

"Did you drink your medicine?" I rolled my eyes. "What do you mean by someone sneaking into your room?"

"Every night, I felt someone sleeping beside me, and sometimes I heard she was talking."

"Maybe you're just dreaming, Liz." I shook my head.

"I thought it was just a dream, but every morning there is a very strong scent, she leaves in my room. Some of my things are also gone, like my shirts, accessories, and even pictures." She furrows her eyebrows.

"How can someone sneak into our penthouse?" 

"I don't know. That's why I'm asking you if we are the only ones who had fingerprint access."

"Should we install a double lock? I think we should also lock our bedroom door." I nodded in agreement. "I will put a double lock and a security alarm on the door to the balcony."

"Should we also install CCTV cameras in the whole penthouse?" She nodded.

"I think you should install a secret camera in your room." She suggested, and I nodded. "But Liz, when do you think that someone started sneaking into your room?"

"I'm not sure. I think the last night I slept in our family house."

"You should be careful, Liz, and don't trust anyone easily. Also, we need to focus on our goal before anything else." I nodded and she continued doing her essay.

From now on, I should learn self-defense because it might be useful in the future. I can use it on my stalker. I need to teach him/her a lesson.

I continued playing PUBG when suddenly someone wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me from behind.

I don't need to guess who it is; I know it's the kitten or Mandu.

"What are you doing here, Kim?" I slowly removed her arms from my neck, then she sat in front of me.

"I want to see you. That's why I'm here." She rested her chin on her palm.

"Does Irene-Unnie know that you are here?" I continued playing, and I didn't bother to look at her.

"Nope." She popped the letter p.

"You left your Student Council work to her again?" She hummed in response. "Go back to your office, Nini."

"Shiro." She said cutely, and I glanced at her. She was smiling widely.

"Finish your work, Nini, before you chill around."

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