X: Bestfriend

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Early in the morning, there is already a romantic show going on here in the KM University cafeteria. 

Kim Jongin, or mostly known as Kai, is holding a bouquet of red roses in his left hand and a massive teddy bear in his right hand. He was smiling widely at Jennie, and his teammates were holding a 'Will you be my girlfriend again?' banner.

"What is your relationship with Ms. Kim, Lisa-sunbae?" Nancy approached our table, ever since she had a serious talk with Jennie in the gymnasium, she has always approached and tried to talk to me, which is making me uncomfortable since she always appears out of nowhere.

We glanced at her, but we immediately inverted our gaze to Jennie and Kai.

"Never again, Kai." Jennie said coldly and she was about to walk towards our table.

"Jen, I even made an effort, then you are just going to refuse it." Kai uttered and Jennie laughed sarcastically.

"Did I tell you to do this? I never remember that I asked you to make a show here. Get lost, Kai!" She gave him a deadly glare.

"Just at least accept it. I will buy you some Chanel stuff later. I know you can't resist Chanel gifts." While Kai persisted, Jennie accepted the flowers that made him smile. "I know you still lov——."

Our jaw dropped when Jennie slammed the flowers in Kai's face. She flipped her hair after she slammed the flowers in his face.

"I can buy the whole Chanel store and even your life, Kai. I don't need your goddamn money because I have more than you had." Jennie rolled her eyes before she walked towards us.

"That's my best friend, and she is a real bad bitch." I answered Nancy's question, and my friends laughed.

"You better go now, Nancy. Our Ms. Kim is grumpy today." Seulgi suggested it to her and she nodded.

"Who is your best friend, Lili?" Jennie's mood suddenly changed, confirming she is bipolar. She sat beside me and I offered her some fries, which she happily ate.

"You." She looked at me and pointed to herself. "Yes, you. Why don't you like it? "

"I like it more than that." I furrowed my eyebrows and I flicked her forehead.

"Take it or leave it." She chuckled.

"I will take it, it's better than nothing." She winked at me and I playfully rolled my eyes. "Hope your eyes will stick if you roll your eyes again."

"The same goes for you." She slapped my arm, and I chuckled.

"Its my mannerisim, Lili, I can't stop myself not to roll my eyes." She explained, and I laughed.

I saw Irene Bae approaching our table while carrying a lot of paper. She put it on the table and she sat beside Seulgi, who was currently blushing.

"Really? You're trusting me with your paperwork? Such a responsible Student Council President and Vice President." Irene-Unnie said with sarcasm, which caused Jennie and Jisoo to laugh. "This is not something to laugh about."

"Relax, Unnie, we will finish those papers." Jisoo assured her, and she just rolled her eyes.

"Because of this paper, I can't have time to bond with my baby bear." Irene-unnie said, with a flirty tone that made Seulgi blush even more.

"You two are still not in a relationship. Why don't you make it official?" Jisoo questioned.

"She is still not confessing to me." Irene-unnie pointed at Seulgi.

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