XIX: Ruby Jane

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It's been a month since Jennie and Suzy started courting me. Actually, it's kind of damaging my top reputation because I'm a top, not a bottom. I'm supposed to be the one doing the courting, not the bottoms.

Jennie and Suzy both give me stress and pressure because they always debate every day and they never miss a day without debating.

Bae Suzy is very attentive and she really takes care of me. She was bringing me a different cuisine for lunch and she personally delivered it to KM University.

She always joins us for lunch, and she will go back to her school if I already have classes. I appreciate everything she is doing just to have a chance to be with me. It's very heartwarming and nice of her.

Kim Jennie is sweet and she knows how to make my heart beat faster. There is a time that I can feel butterflies in my stomach. She really proves to me that she change and she can be the best woman for me. She always follows me around and sticks with me.

Jennie and Suzy are always fighting over almost the same thing, like when they both fetch me in the morning, I need to choose which of them I will be riding with.

Thankfully, Seulgi and Jisoo help me get away from them sometimes.

It's been three days since Suzy texted and called me. I haven't seen her for three days.

"It's been awhile, Lisa-sunbae." I was snapped out of my trance when I heard someone whispering in my left ear.

I turned around to see Nancy, who was grinning widely.

Well, I'm alone in the library because Seulgi and Rosé have club activities, and Jisoo and Jennie have student council work.

"Yeah, it is." I turn my attention to the essay I'm doing.

"It's pretty unusual to see you alone." She sat beside me.

"Yeah, I think so." She chuckled, and I didn't bother to look at her because she was wearing a revealing outfit.

"Why are you not looking at me?" She questioned, and I flinched when she put her hand in my lap, which resulted in me removing it quickly.

"I hate it when someone I didn't know touches me." When I smelled something different coming from her, I moved away from her and frowned.

"But you know me, I'm Nancy." She pouted, and I internally rolled my eyes. I noticed that she was getting something from her pocket, which made me nervous.

"I know your name, but that's all I know about you." She scooted closer to me and started sniffing my scent.

I got up from my seat because I was getting uncomfortable and she was acting weird.

"I intentionally wear this outfit for you. I want to impress and seduce you. You don't like it?" She slowly walked towards me, slowly putting down the strap of her dress, looking at me seductively, and I backed away from her.

"I don't like it. It's too revealing. " She giggled, and she bit her lip.

Why is her perfume making me dizzy?

"Too revealing, huh? I know you want to see some more. I can show it to you." I felt my back hit the book shelf and she chuckled. "You're too cute, Sunbae. I've really liked you since I first laid eyes on you.

"I don't like you and I'll never like you." She frowned and rolled her eyes. I covered my nose so I couldn't smell her scent, but it was too strong.

"I don't care if you don't like me; just let me taste you before I leave you alone." She was about to take another step towards me to close our distance.

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