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It's nine in the morning, and my two possessive babies are bickering with each other again. They were fighting about who would sit in the passenger seat beside me. We had planned a family day in Everland.

I'm sitting on the couch watching these two kittens fight. Jisoo-unnie and Rosé are sitting beside me while eating popcorn. They were more interested in the mother and daughter than in watching WWE fights on TV.

"Ella is going to win. $500." Jisoo put 500 dollars on the center table.

"Jennie Unnie will win. $1,000 this time." Rosé also put money on the center table.

Aigoo, these two made another bet.

"Ella will win. $2,000." We snapped our heads at Eunsoo; Jisoo, and Rosé's daughter.

"Where did she get that money?" I asked as Eunsoo put her money on the center table.

Rosé looked at her wife, who was smiling innocently.

"I only gave her 100 dollars a day." My eyes widened.

"Chicken, she is only 7 years old, and 100 dollars are too much." Her mouth went O, and I shook my head in disbelief.

"Eomma, I hate you!" Ella shouted, and that's it.

I stood up from my seat and went between them. Ella and Jennie both gave me their cute puppy eyes, asking me to pet/side one of them.

"Ella, I apologize to your Eomma." I said sternly, and she shook her head. "Apologize to her, or no Everland."

"But, Eomma is to blame." She crossed her arms and glared at her mom.

"Jennie." I looked at Jennie, and she rolled her eyes.

"It's not my fault; she always blames me." She pointed at our daughter.

"That's it! Jennie, you will drive the car, and Ella, you will sit in the passenger seat beside your mom." They both clicked their tongues in annoyance. "Any objection?"

They both shook their heads in sync.

"Ella, apologize to your mom and tell her you love her." I demanded, and I raised my right eyebrow.

"Mom, I'm sorry, and I love you." She embraced her mom tightly.

"Even though you're a brat, I still love you." Jennie kissed her cheeks.

All of a sudden, they both looked at me while grinning widely. In the blink of an eye, Ella was holding my left hand and Jennie was holding my right hand.

"Let's go, Dada!/Lili!" They said it in unison, which made me laugh.

"Limario, bring home a bucket of chicken." Jisoo said as she sat on the couch, feeling at ease as if she were at home.

I shrugged my shoulders, and we left without saying goodbye.

We are in the middle of the road to Everland; Jennie is the one driving the car, Ella is sitting comfortably in the passenger seat, and I'm sitting in the back seat alone.

"Dada?" Ella called me, and I hummed in response.


"Why do you love Mom?" I furrow my eyebrow.

"Because I love her, and she is the one for me." I answered, and Ella chuckled, which made me confused.

"Dada, I'm the one for you." Jennie suddenly stopped the car, which made my forehead hit the front seat.

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