XXIV: Girlfriends?

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We were watching Lisa and Jennie-unnie flirting and being sweet to each other, which made us confused with their sudden sweet behavior towards each other.

They have their own world, so they didn't even notice us. Jennie-unnie was feeding Lisa, and she was always kissing her cheeks.

What happened to these two? Did Jennie make Lisa drink a love potion? Or did she put her under a love spell?

Did they get back with each other?

"Are you now, girlfriend?" I asked, making Lisa choke on her food. Jennie-unnie immediately handed her a cup of water and patted her back. "You two are so sweet with each other and it's very unusual to see Lisa flirting back."

"W-we are not." Lisa answered, and she wiped her mouth.

"Yet." Jennie-unnie added that made Lisa blush.

"You blush, Monkey." Seulgi said, and Lisa quickly looked away, hiding her blushing face.

"I'm not, it's just hot here." She fanned herself.

"Did something happen between the two of you?" Chu asked a question that made Lisa and Jennie blush even more. "Spill, what happened?"

"W-we...ahhmm." Lisa struggles to find the right words to say.

"She kissed me last night." Jennie-unnie admitted it and sounded so proud of it.

We gasped at the sudden revelation and we looked at them back and forth.

"You kissed?!?!?" We exclaimed loudly that caught some students' attention.

"We did. Lili is the one who initiated the kiss, and I kissed her back without any hesitation." Jennie-unnie shamelessly spilled the tea between them, which made Lisa so red and she looked embarrassed about it.

"Why do you look so embarrassed when you are the one who initiated it?" I asked Lisa.

She glared at me, "Can we change the topic?"

"Do you regret kissing me, Lili?" Jennie unnie cupped her face and pouted at Lisa.

"I-i didn't... it's just making me shy when we are talking about it." She stuttered, then Jennie-unnie pecked her lips, which caused the whole cafeteria to gasp because we were all witnesses to that.

"You didn't have to be shy about it, Lili. To be honest, I really love it and I want to do it again." Jennie-unnie smiled widely at her.

"Jen, everyone saw what you just did." Lisa looked down at her lap and uttered.

"I don't care. I only care for Lili." She hugged Lisa and put Lisa's head on her shoulder. "Ignore them, Lili."

They will be girlfriends soon.



I don't know why I'm here at the Student Council Meeting when I'm not part or even a member of it. Jennie is sitting and listening to Mina's report while she plays with my hands under the table.

"That's it for today." Mina ended her report, and Jennie nodded.

The meeting ended and all the Student Council members were looking at me and it was making me uncomfortable.

"Are you now, girlfriend?" Nayeon asked, and I shook my head.

"Not yet, but soon." Jennie answered, and she stared at me.

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