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Is it normal to catch up with your ex? We were sitting in front of each other and she was smiling widely, which really strange. 



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We are in the school cafe, I'm sipping my frapped avoiding to made eye contact with Jennie.

Seulgi is aware of Jennie's and my past; she knows that Jennie was both my first love and my first ex.

"Are we just going to look at each other?" Jisoo asked while looking at us one by one.

"Ahh, I thought we were just going to chill here. I didn't know we have to talk. So, what are we going to talk about?" I mentally facepalm myself because of Seulgi's stupid thinking.

"You are really stupid sometimes, Seul." Jisoo stated, and Seulgi pouted.

"Stop pouting, you look disgusting." Jisoo and I said it in sync. We looked at each other and we did a high five. "Assa!"

"Wow, I can't believe both of you just teamed up to tease me." Seulgi shook her head in disbelief.

"Get used to it, Seul." We said it again in sync, and we chuckled.

"Babe!" We snapped our heads to where the voice came from. He approached our table and kissed Jennie's head. 

Why did I have to witness this kind of thing?

"Why are you here?" Jennie asked coldly.

"I saw you outside, so I thought I should greet you at least." Jennie rolled her eyes. I thought they were in a relationship. Why was she like that to him? "Oh! You are with your friends. I have never seen you before."

He pointed at me.

"I'm a new student here and it's my first day of school. I'm Lisa." I introduced myself and he just nodded. I think he should introduce himself. I didn't even know him.

"You should introduce yourself, Kai." Jisoo demands.

"She probably knows me already since my face is all over the school and everyone knows me." He said proudly.

"Except me." I uttered, and he looked at me.

"Are you living under a rock?" He raised his one eyebrow.

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