XLIX: Trial

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It's been 6 years already.

I'm a successful lawyer now, and I'm a Dada to my six-year-old daughter and husband or wife to my beautiful wife.

Today, I will be having a trial, and I'm confident that I can prove that my client is innocent. This case is pretty hard and tiring because Jisoo Kim is my opponent, and she turns into a different person when she stands in court.

"All rise; this court is now in session." The bailiff said, and we all stood up from our seats. Then the judge arrived.

"The accused, Mr. Kim, was charged with the murder of his wife under Section 302 of the Penal Code. He committed the offense at 3 p.m. on June 3, 2027, at the premises at No. 40, Seoul, South Korea. Under Section 302 of the Penal Code, if the accused were found guilty, he would be sentenced to death. Today, the prosecution side is represented by Mrs. Kim Jisoo, while the defense side is represented by Mrs. Manoban. The trial begins." Jennie announced her arrival and sat comfortably in front of us.

"About 2 p.m. on June 3, 2027, Mr. Kim was detained and charged under Section 303 of the Penal Code. I would like to ask your permission to bring my first witness for this case." Jisoo stated seriously. She was wearing a prosecutor's robe and eye glasses.

"Yes, you may." Jennie agreed.

"Thank you, Your Honor." Jisoo bowed slightly at her, and she looked at her witness.

"My name is Inspector Lee Kwanghee, IC number 670718-04-6665; I swear I will give the true clarification only." Jisoo Kim's witness introduced himself.

When I noticed that my client was sweating, I sighed. I handed him a tissue, and he immediately wiped his sweat.

"First and foremost, inspector Lee is representing the case's main witness, a maid named Ha Yujin." Jisoo walked towards the witness and started questioning him. "Inspector, where was the witness during the incident?"

"According to the witness's clarification, the witness was at the crime scene where the deceased was killed." He answered, and I saw Jisoo smirk at me, which made me roll my eyes mentally.

"Inspector, please give a little bit of information about what happened before the deceased was killed."

"On Saturday, June 3, 2027, the deceased was watching TV while the accused was sitting at the dining table alone. After 20 minutes sitting with the family, the witness went to the bedroom." The inspector and I made eye contact.

"What happened after that?" I really hate it when Jisoo smirks at me. She really tests my patience.

"Around 3 o'clock, while the witness was sleeping, she was awakened by the crying deceased's daughter, whose name is Yesul. After that, the witness rushes to the bathroom upstairs. The witness heard the accused and the deceased quarreling in the bathroom. Due to her fear, the witness runs outside the house and hides behind the car. Then, the witness saw the accused run to his car and drive recklessly." 

The more this inspector shares the story, the more Jisoo is smiling widely and mocking me.

"Is the witness not doing anything due to the incident?"

"No. After that, the witness entered the house and saw the deceased lying in a pool of blood with a knife stained with blood."

Keep smirking, Jisoo Kim; let's see who will win this.

"Your Honor, this proves that the accused is the main suspect in this case. Therefore, I have no question to ask. Thank you." Jisoo smirked first before she went back to her seat.

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